These are a couple of the patch 2 details (still more to come)
From the Admin on 2ksports
From the Admin on 2ksports
Hey all from the cold United Kingdom,
I wanted to give you more details about Patch 2 as they have been passed to me. The patch is almost ready for submission as the final tweaks are being made. From there, it must go through the proper approvals which puts it a minimum of two weeks out. But I did want to share JUST A FEW (read NOT ALL) of the things it will address:
AI Agressiveness
Home Run Totals
Fly balls in the outfield tweaked so ghastly fielding errors will be a thing of the past
1st baseman stepping off bag has been tweaked
Issues with the pitch overlay hud
Fixed pickoffs, especially to 2nd base
Roster issues as it pertains to subsituting pitchers and bench
There is more news to come, but wanted to share at least these fixes with you. Thanks!