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The long awaited title update number 2 will be out sometime next week (presumably Tuesday) as it has been in the hands of Microsoft and Sony for a little while now. This is the long awaited patch that should provide some graphics updates as well as a practice mode and gameplay additions.
From the start, many of you have told us that your biggest frustration with the game is the lack of in-game tutorials or a practice mode. We hear you loud and clear, and it’s been a priority for our team to build something that helps fans come to grips with the intricacies of NBA LIVE. The first step down this road is the new Shootaround mode, which you’ll see in the update. In Shootaround, you can take ANY NBA player into the gym and get a feel for all the dribbling controls and signature moves, as well as the many ways you can shoot the ball and various gather types. This is the place where you can learn the timing and flow of dribble moves for each of your favorite players, as well as see how each guy handles the ball. Without a defender in your face and no shot clock to worry about, it’s our hope that you can take your time to really get a feel for how to best string moves together and become a more effective player.
Read the full article here