I love watching games from this era. The running games were so much more complex, and the OL of the era were so much better at run blocking techniques (something senser costantly points out as well). The Rams, for example, rotate three RB's - Cullen Bryant (power), Wendell Tyler (speed), and Lawrence McCutcheon (the combo back), using a variety of sweeps, off tackles, and slip screens. The formations are like playing Madden '92, with the "near", "far", "pro" split backs, and even some full house.
Jack Reynolds, the two Youngbloods, Fred Dryer...lots of mean, nasty defenders played on those Rams teams. I have dozens of old VHS tapes of these games, great time killers on lazy Saturdays or late at night when I cant sleep.
The '79 Rams team that went to the SB was easily the worst of those great Rams teams, that would seemingly lose to either the Cowboys or Vikings every year in the NFL Title game. Chuck Knox built those teams, but wasnt around when they finally broke through. A lot of these guys were on their last legs, but they had some young guys like Jackie Slater, Wendall Tyler, Bill Waddy, etc, too.