Not to be racist or anything, but over the course of MiLB and MLB testing a large number of the guys getting caught are latino. It doesn't mean they are the only ones doing it, I just think they are the group of players who know and care the least about avoiding getting caught.
There is no incentive for these guys not to take the risk, because they have nothing to lose either way. They want to make money and get their family set up for life. They came from nothing and they are just trying to cash the fuck out. Nothing wrong with that, but it's the cold reality.
Since they didn't have sportswriters blowing smoke up their asses about the "respect for the game" and "playing it the right way" like we all did growing up, they don't necessarily buy in to the ideal that baseball is a sacred institution that is all right and virtuous and blahblahblah ... They don't give a shit about that, nor should they. They are trying to escape the 3rd world, and getting paid a crapton of money to play baseball is the means to that end.
For most of these guys, the potential shame of getting caught does not outweigh the potential financial gain. Melky Cabrera will be back in 50 games, and then sign a pretty nice deal in free agency. He cost himself some money by being caught, sure, but not as much as he would have cost himself by remaining a fat slap hitter putting up -1.0 WAR every season. For Bartolo Colon, this might end his career, but he pocketed a nice deal of extra change from whatever it was he was able to do to his body to squeeze out 1.5 more seasons of useful baseball playing. A few extra million in exchange for a 50 game suspension, and stern lectures from the keyboards of crusty old white dudes ... not a bad deal.
I'm not even sure I have anything else to recommend in terms of solutions, I'm just laying out the cause and effect relationship here. This game will never be totally clean, and neither will any other sport where they keep score and play for money.