here is what the legendary vets use regarding rules. We can discuss some of these and add whatever we feel is needed.
1. Fourth downs- You may only go for these on 4th and inches when you in your own territory, you may also go for it in the opponents territory (realistic situations), and/or anytime during the 4th quarter when losing. Fake Punts/Field Goals are part of the college game, and may be used anytime. You can go for it any time anywhere after you cross the 50.
2. Running up the score-if you have the lead by two or more scores in the 4th quarter, do not pass and run up the score. Just simply select a running/kneeing play and win the game. The goal here is to win and win graciously, not run up the score to skew stats or embarrass opponents.
3. Wasting the entire play clock-If you are winning by one score at the beginning of the 4th quarter, don’t simply run the ball, wait till the next play clock goes down to 1 second, and run another play. I know teams do that in real life, but in real life quarters aren't 5-8 minutes. Simply select a run play and then run it as if normal. If you have the ball under 2 minutes before the end of the 2nd or 4th quarter, you may run the play clock down to as far as you like.
4. Hurry Up Offense: All teams are allowed to run the "hurry up" offense in both two minute drill situations. Any team losing in the 4th quarter is permitted to hurry up as often as they like. When using the hurry up offense, please allow your opponent to set their defense before snapping the ball. Purposely trying to cause offside’s penalties is obviously prohibited. We use this because there is no real no-huddle O. It’s really just a hurry up.
5. Motioning: Motioning by backs and receivers is allowed. If the defense audibles before your motion is complete you must wait for the defense to get reset before snapping the ball, when possible. You cannot snap the ball while a player is between the end guys on the line unless he is facing the line (FB, TE mostly). You cannot snap the ball with the WR or any player that is facing the sideline while behind the line.
6. Playcalling, Mixing It Up, Play Action: Owners are expected to mix up plays on offense AND defense. If your teams falls behind early in the game, it’s understandable if you become one-dimensional on offense with your passing game. As long as the game is close, we expect all box scores to reflect a concerted effort at reasonable play calling.
7. QB Scrambling: Unrealistic QB scrambling/sprinting is frowned upon on pass plays, including screens. Constantly dancing from sideline to sideline, running straight backwards or well behind the line of scrimmage without being under pressure is not realistic. This does not include options plays, designed QB runs, or broken/pressured play situations. We also do not allow throwing on the run against your body. You must set feet or throw away.
8. Kick Returns: No returners over 94 speed. The speed is a big advantage on KR’s and this is a must. Also if you run punt block you have to let the CPU return the kick.
Defensive Gameplay Rules
1. Moving players before snap: On defense, shifting linebackers and the defensive line is permitted. However, if you move an individual defensive payer before the snap you must control that player at the snap of the ball. This includes moving a player to cover an assignment.
2. Blitzing: While blitzing is certainly a part of the game, please be realistic when doing so, and do not use it excessively. Any attempt to confuse the AI when blitzing is prohibited (i.e. spreading your defensive line then shifting your LB’s to create AI holes). This also falls under the rules for mixing up play calling.
1. Human users will only be allowed to offer as many scholarships as they will have open rosters spots available at the end of the current season. This number would be equal to seventy minus the number of players currently on your roster, plus the number of seniors on your roster. EXAMPLE: if you have 68 guys on your roster and 14 seniors you can offer 14 + 2 = 16 Scholarships that you can offer in season. Once you enter the offseason and find out if you’re losing more guys to Transfer or Draft you can offer more schollies. You can at all times have 35 on board no matter how many offers you can send out.
If you do over recruit here are your punishments:
1 over limit: -3 scholarships for one year
2 over limit: -5 scholarships for one year
3 over limit: -4 scholarships for two years (8 total)
4 over limit: -4 scholarships for three years (12 total)
5 or more over limit: -5 scholarships for 5 years (25 total) our death penalty
2. Recruiting Board: Once you set up your recruiting board in the preseason you can not add new players to your board until the off-season.