Online Dynasty = Crack
Yet another rumor, we will see
Yet another rumor, we will see
How big is 2old2play? We're big enough to have a community scouring the field looking for important exclusives and we're here to break a big one. Okay, we're not exactly field reporters, we're just got lucky...
Last night one of community members was in an EB Games store and an employee mentioned a PS3 price drop occurring Sunday March 22nd just in advance of the Game Developer's Conference (GDC). He went on to say that Sony will be issuing a press release on the Saturday before the drop and that EB was already prepared for the upcoming price-drop.
The current "rumor" is that the PlayStation 3 80GB console will retail for USD $300. That would be a $99 price reduction in the console, bringing it closer to reach for many gamers. However, be prepared for Sony to refuse to comment or straight out say this is untrue, it wouldn't be the first time they've pulled that stunt. It's in Sony's best interest to hide the price drop from gamers because we'll halt purchasing of the PS3 until the price drop occurs.
It's in your interest, however, to halt thoughts of buying a PS3 until March 22nd. If we're right, you'll be saving yourself enough money to buy at least one PS3 game with your new purchase. This price drop would come on the heels of third party developers saying PS3 needs a price drop or they're prepared to start pushing Wii development more, especially considering that's where many big publishers are making all their money.
Is this enough of a drop in price to make you consider a PS3 buy? Is this the right time of year for a PS3 buy? Thoughts?