The people criticizing this film come across as retards. This is NOT a "Hollywood" produced film. Compared to the VAST majority of films with mass distribution, it was produced on a miniscule budget, and had no studio backing or financing when it was being filmed. The actors worked for basically nothing, many out of friendship and just for the opportunity to work with Lee Daniels. Therefore, anyone who thinks this is some "Hollywood" liberal produced propaganda piece designed to make 'whites' feel guilty about 'blacks' don't know what they're talking about. Similarly, 'blacks' who complain that is some 'white' Hollywood production designed to make them feel ashamed and belittle them don't what they're talking about.
The bottom line is this is a gritty film based on actual people and events and no one other than Daniels and his crew originally wanted to touch it because of the films sensitive subject matter. Most statements by people criticizing this film say more about the mostly pathetic views of the critics themselves than the actual film.