I've been playing WWE 2k14, like many of us have. And I've been googling a lot of info on guys like Andre the Giant and Macho Man. And looking around I couldn't find anything or any site with Match Rankings. Maybe like an IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes but for wrestling. So now we have this thread. My Idea behind the ranking system. So I will post the first match, and feel free to rank and leave your impute and thoughts on the match as well.
First Off Let's go with what is, in my opinion, the best match in Wrestlemania History. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage.
Overall Performance Ranking: 10/10
Lasting Appeal: 10/10
Final Thoughts: Everything was well executed. Told a great story and now everytime I go back to the match I get a nostalgic vibe from it. I still watch this match for education purposes(watch their timing, storytelling, ect.) And everything seems spot on. Possibly better than anyone could have imagined. Great match, love both Macho Man and the Dragon. Great showing, and possible the most entertained I have been for a WM match that didn't involve someone falling off a 20 foot ladder.
First Off Let's go with what is, in my opinion, the best match in Wrestlemania History. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage.
Overall Performance Ranking: 10/10
Lasting Appeal: 10/10
Final Thoughts: Everything was well executed. Told a great story and now everytime I go back to the match I get a nostalgic vibe from it. I still watch this match for education purposes(watch their timing, storytelling, ect.) And everything seems spot on. Possibly better than anyone could have imagined. Great match, love both Macho Man and the Dragon. Great showing, and possible the most entertained I have been for a WM match that didn't involve someone falling off a 20 foot ladder.