2011 Poster Of The Year
Hey folks, I'm starting a fund to help out @KingRicochet who had $1600 stolen from him in Germany this weekend. He lost his payoffs for both the Dragon Gate UK shows and 16 Carat, plus a whole lot of merch sales. As I'm sure we'll all agree, this sucks, but it really sucks when it's a nice humble guy like Ricochet who works so hard and literally risks his life to entertain us.
If you're a Ricochet fan and have appreciated his work over the years, then maybe you'd like to help him make back some of the money he lost. I've set up a paypal account for anyone who wants to chip in a few bucks. I have no idea what to expect as far as what donations might come in but obviously if the total reaches the $1600 mark we will close off the account from receiving any more money.
The paypal is ricochetfund@gmail.com
If you don't fancy donating but wanna support the clause, please give a retweet or plug this in any outlet you can. It'd be really appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
"Alan" is semi famous wrestling blogger/fan Alan4L.
Mark Sloan of Dragon Gate:UK is offering a "gift" from the promotion if you donate:
DG:UK Fans, while in Germany Ricochet who dazzled us all last week, had his wallet stolen, which contained $1600, a horrible situation, a fund has been set up to accept paypal donations, ricochetfund@gmail.com if you would be so kind as to donate something to the cause then forward the receipt to mark@dragongateuk.com & we'll send a special thanks for your kindness.Once $1600 is raised the account closes
Figured I would spread the word if anybody has enjoyed his work over the years and is interested in helping him get his money back. Apparently he had his wallet lifted by a pickpocket.