anyone pick this up and have any impressions?
anyone know whats up with the DLC tracks? on wiki it says they released a bunch of doors songs on oct 26th but they are not listed on rock band 2 DLC list. Anyone know if the new dlc tracks are just for RB3?
i have little interest in RB3 but i still love playing rb2 and want to dl these doors tracks
I've had it since release. I've played it off and on since then but I don't seem to have the fire to play it like I did during the rb 2 days.
The tracks for the doors are there. I also seen a bitch load of Rock Band Network stuff. Too bad most of it is utter crap. I kinda figured that would happen but eh someone has to have some sort of interest in it.
I've enjoyed my time playing it. Its ability to drop in and out of songs if you have more then one person playing is pretty cool and the way you can lower the difficulty of the song during it is also good for people that want to get used to going to hard from medium. (this is pretty much like the GH way of doing it)
I really like how they've done the menu system in regards to players playing and they have this really neat feature now where you can change who is the main interstrument right in the game. What I mean was I used to have the problem where I'd have two guitars in while me and my room mate play. He would sometimes get signed in as me and we'd have to either shut the console off to swap or literally get up and swap guitars. We didn't do the swap guitars much because we had our own guitars. Now if your in the game and this happends you just press the start button and hit swap gamertag or something and it just pops right over to you. Really cool wish all games had that ability.
I've noticed (and my buddy who has played a ton) that hammer on's are tighter. I'm not sure if its my guitar breaking, rust from not playing it or something else but I noticed things are just a little hard to hit. Not as bad as RB1 though.
The old way of having a band and going on the tour in single player mode has changed completely. You gain fans now from just playing in quickplay and it'll add to your bands total fans. You go on road challenges now (I think they are called that) but it works similar to the way you could hop into different venues like the last game.
They also included a secondary scoring option during the challenges which include counting the number of streaks you get. I haven't figured this out completely yet but its just an added difficulty to single player. Instead of going for just 5 stars you have to try and build up a 5 star streak as well.
Thats all I can think of really game play wise. Music wise they have some timeless classics like Bohemian Rhapsody and such which are just epic when you play them. I still prefer RB2's stock setlist though. The hardest song for RB3 is gay imo and I'll probably never play it unless I have to.
Oh yah you can play the keyboard using your guitar controller. It is a lot harder though because of the ton of triple notes you have to hit. Its different though and can be a nice change of pace.