Update: End of Second RTTS year.
The Iron Pigs finished off the regular season 1st in the league. I ended up with .405 avg, 222 hits, 31 HRs, 151 Rbis, 93 Runs. I was tops in AVG, HRs, Hits, Rbis, Runs, and OPS. I was second in Doubles. No errors on the year.
The Iron Pigs won the IL Championship and then the Bricktown Showdown with me leading the playoffs with 15 Rbis and 3 HRs.
And after all that, Lou Marson got the call to The Show instead of me. This guy misses 3 months of the season, doesn't even put up comparable stats in the one month he plays and still gets the call. Oh well, the Phills didn't make the playoffs anyway.
RTTS year 3
I have been invited to Spring Training. Half a month in, I am already leading the club in HRs and Rbis. Its amazing, I have 5 HRs already. I think alot of my long fly balls at AAA would have been dingers in the majors, since the parks are smaller. Anyway, I am meetin my goals during the games, and hitting for AVG so we will see what happens. There are huge holes in the lineup, Rollins signed with the Dodgers, Werth went to Seattle and for some reason Ryan Howard is no where to be seen. I don't even see spring training stats for him. Paul Konerko is at 1st instead.
I probably won't be kept. But I think its about time they called me up.