1.) No trolling in the sports forums and league forums. We understand that members here have known each other for 10-plus years, so some joking around and gif-posting is going to happen, and in some cases, is warranted. Don't let things get personal- once they do, action will be taken by those who are responsible for their respective areas
2.) The Off Topic section is no-holds barred. There is no moderation, and don't expect there to be. There was some confusion with "Serious" topics being closed to trolling. However, the Subscriber Forum is the new home for "SRS" topics so you must be a donator to have access to those.
3.) Bans will no longer be handed out on a whim in the Chat Box. If you are silenced or banned from the Chat Box, the owner or admin doing so must post a VM with the reason behind it. If they do not, contact MrBill, Thomas or Chrispy to sort it out.
Also, from this point forward, the Chat Box is only accessible to those who have donated to the site, or are in a league on the site. Anyone signed up previous to this post will be grandfathered access, however.
4.) A permanent ban should never happen on VSN unless it is a spam bot, or someone who registered specifically to spam. If someone is trolling outside of The Locker Room, their access will be limited to view other forums for a time, and could result in a 24 hour cool-off time where all access is restricted. As with the Chat Box, if your access to certain forums is restricted a VM should be sent to you explaining the reason behind it. If that does not happen, contact ThomasTomasz or MrBill.
2.) The Off Topic section is no-holds barred. There is no moderation, and don't expect there to be. There was some confusion with "Serious" topics being closed to trolling. However, the Subscriber Forum is the new home for "SRS" topics so you must be a donator to have access to those.
3.) Bans will no longer be handed out on a whim in the Chat Box. If you are silenced or banned from the Chat Box, the owner or admin doing so must post a VM with the reason behind it. If they do not, contact MrBill, Thomas or Chrispy to sort it out.
Also, from this point forward, the Chat Box is only accessible to those who have donated to the site, or are in a league on the site. Anyone signed up previous to this post will be grandfathered access, however.
4.) A permanent ban should never happen on VSN unless it is a spam bot, or someone who registered specifically to spam. If someone is trolling outside of The Locker Room, their access will be limited to view other forums for a time, and could result in a 24 hour cool-off time where all access is restricted. As with the Chat Box, if your access to certain forums is restricted a VM should be sent to you explaining the reason behind it. If that does not happen, contact ThomasTomasz or MrBill.