So if QB continues to suck this year and the Cardinals are in the bottom third of the league, does Whiz keep his job after this season?
I don't see how they bring Whizz back after this season, but then again, I said that the last two seasons too. Amazingly, you never hear about the guy as "on the hot seat", i mean, it doesnt even come up in conversation, and its just staggering for anyone who takes an unbiased look at the situation, its SO OBCVIOUS that the problem starts with a coach who doesnt know how to, you know, coach. There are some players on the team that are professionals ; fitzgerald, calais cambpell, darnell docket, adrian wilson, these guys are just too good and too professional to roll over / throw a shit fit over terrible authority figures.
Maybe its because they've had guys like Dave McGinnis, Buddy Ryan, Dennis Green, really overmatched and inept guys, so they see even the slightest indication of competence in Whizz and they keep him around. Maybe its the knowledge that theres no fcking way you're getting some hot young assistant to come here. Phoenix is never gonna get the Mike Tomlins, the John Harbaughs, the Jon Grudens (either before the bucs, or the "guy who is too good to stay unemployed" version somebody is going to hire this offseason or next). All Phoenix can get for coaches is retreads or overrated guys who have never been #1 on someone elses list.
Could be ownership too, 5 playoff appearances in 50 years since Bidwell has been at least co-owner. Could be the team business culture. It's not the fanbase, it's not the lack of facilities, its not the location (there is a killer nightlife on the east side of town, especially when its hot, because you can go outside and chill in a t shirt and shorts in december ; its really nice to be young and have cash in your pocket in Phoenix).
The biggest factor though, by far, is they do not have the on field general they had with Kurt Warner. You and I could be the Cardinals head coach with Kurt Warner as the QB and they'd be competing for a playoff spot ; he was a well respected winner and nobody questioned him. The offensive line played harder for him, the team believed in itself. without him here, there just isnt that guy there. Whizz has consistently made every wrong move he possible could to create the next leader on the team, and the problem is made worse because the coach doesnt inspire any respect/discipline/motivation in the players either. They lose, and they expect to lose, and except for a few guys, they stop giving a shit. That has to change and that starts with the coach.