"It's getting harder and harder to deny that (Anderson Silva) shouldn't be shown that appreciation. He ducked Okami for years but he did finally go in there and he made it look easy so I think you've got to look at that. If you're asking if I would ever conceive that Anderson's better than me, no. I would simply refer you to the tape. I think he and I's skills are vastly different. I think I could come down a lot and still be ahead of him. I also thinks he ducks and dodges opponents constantly but listen, his wins and losses speak for themselves and the fact of the matter whether I'd like to admit it or not is he's done a better job than anybody, he's done a better job than me and he is the champion. That doesn't mean that I'm gonna quit poking my finger in his chest but at some point I think fairness needs to kick in too and I think you need to look at what he's done and tip your hat to him a little bit."