A. Your post is illiterate garbage. B. Even though I can figure out what it says, it still makes no fucking sense.
If you want to say that you'd like to see Minotauro fight Lesnar, fine, but that is incredibly off topic for here. If you want to say something constructive about Minotoro, like how impressive his record is, then great.
Lil Nog is one of the most underrated fighters of our generation. He has a number of great wins (twice over Overeem, Hendo, Saku, revenged his Matsuychenko loss, Todd Gouenberg...), was in a fight of the year (against Shogun, a fight I think he won) and has the same skills as big bro. Yet he has always lived in Big Nog's shadow. I don't know how many straight UFC fans even know Big Nog has a brother, let alone a twin.
And the Gouwenberg comment was a joke. He fought here in HCF and I've seen the fight like 30 times on the Score. It's a personal fave