VSN Poster of the Year
Coaster material produced by one of the worst music groups in history (The Sweet), this song seems to have been produced for an unused punk rock scene in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The video is actually more entertaining than the song and is worth a watch.
This weak-ass effort from Bryan Adams sounds like its from 1985, but its actually from 1992. This isn't surprising, since Canadians are usually about 7 years behind the US when it comes to pop culture. I thought this song went away for good along with Kevin Costner's movie career, but its now reappearing on both "classic rock" and "light rock" stations. Terrible.
A terrible late 90's grab at the cash by an equally terrible British-Indio group called "Cornershop", this song is the inspiration for this thread. I am at a loss as to why anyone would want to listen to this POS song again and I can't believe that radio stations are playing it.. It didn't catch on in the late 90's, stop trying to revive it. There is enough bad music already.