Doesn't make it any better. This is yet another shitty move on UT's part.
How so? I still love how UT gets the brunt of the public's anger in this whole situation when people aren't actually looking at it closely.
What does A&M rightfully have to be upset about except their own insolence?
First, A&M screams that it's all about money. The B12 decides to give A&M, Texas, and Oklahoma $20 million per school after the departures of Nebraska and Colorado, while the rest of the B12 gets ~$14 million each. Happy, right? Nope.
Then, they claimed it was because of the LHN and the unfair advantage it gave Texas. Well, it's hardly UT's fault that Texas A&M AD Bill Byrne told Texas AD DeLoss Dodds that a "Lone Star Network" (the initial plan was a channel to be split by the two schools) was a terrible idea and that A&M wanted no part. 4 years later, Texas decides to bear all the risk and go it alone and nabs a 20-year/$300 million deal (which is worth MUCH more) from ESPN. A&M is pissed, but that anger is misplaced.
Then, A&M (and others) balk at the idea of the LHN playing any role in airing high school content. Texas eventually concedes and no HS content of any kind will be airing on the LHN in the near future (no, not even highlights).
And through it all, A&M still leaves.
Listen, I have no problem with A&M going to the SEC. If you want to trek out on your own, then do so. But don't stand in the fucking doorway screaming about how you're leaving and never coming back and this is all Texas' fault. No one pushed them out, but they sure want everyone to think that's the case.
I know most of you guys can't grasp it because you're removed from this fanbase, but Texas fans don't give a shit anymore. We're tired of the incessant bitching and the "Little Brother" attitude that pervades College Station and their ilk.
I hope they do well in the SEC, I really do, but I don't see how it's even close to possible.
As for Texas refusing to play them? Why the hell not? A&M was hellbent on leaving and to play them now only benefits Agricultural and Mechanical, not Austin. I see no reason why UT should help ease A&M into the SEC when the Aggies bitched the whole way out the door.