Around the League: October 26-October 30
Around the League: October 26-October 30
ALPHA-1: Alive! 1 - Live Results and Commentary
Simon Vine vs. Kichisaburo Morri - Round 1 - Vine moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a solid left. There's a takedown attempt from Vine. Morri not only stops the takedown, he manages to wrestle Vine to the floor and take his back. Morri attempts to set up a rear naked choke on Vine. Vine does well to roll over and spin out, ending up in his opponent's guard. Morri should have gotten hooks in before attempting that submission. In guard, Vine begins working to pass to side control. He passes the guard well, gaining side control. Vine attempts the mount. Morri keeps Vine at side control, not letting the mount happen. Morri tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it. Vine fires away with rights, Morri is getting pounded. Unless he finds a way out of this position soon, Morri is going to lose this fight! The referee pulls Vine away, stopping the match!
Simon 'Hell Boy' Vine defeats Kichisaburo Morri by TKO (Strikes) in 3:05 of round 1 (Good)
Xie Ming vs. Shinji Oiwa - Round 1 - Ming slips past a left jab and counters with a barrage of hard left hands, Oiwa is dazed and can only cover up to try and protect himself! Oiwa gets knocked down and Ming keeps up the pressure with punch after punch! With Oiwa taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!
'The X Factor' Xie Ming defeats Shinji Oiwa by TKO (Strikes) in 0:23 of round 1 (Good)
Felipe Luiz Rosa vs. Gyokusho Fujimoto - Round 1 - There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores. Fujimoto counters a left jab by hitting a pair of jabs and a big right hook. Fujimoto fires off a stinging leg kick. Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant. From the missed strikes they clinch. Fujimoto tries to get Rosa into a Muay Thai clinch. Fujimoto manages it, and now controls Rosa by the back of the head. Using the clinch, Fujimoto hits a vicious knee to the face! Rosa crumples to the ground, out cold! Gyokusho Fujimoto takes the victory by way of Knock Out!
Gyokusho 'Fujizilla' Fujimoto defeats Felipe Luiz Rosa by Knock Out (Knee) in 1:57 of round 1 (Good)
Syed Tan vs. 'The Lightning Kid' Fumiaki Hayashi - Round 1 - Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage. From the missed strikes they clinch. Hayashi gets a couple of ineffective strikes in, but ultimately loses control of the grapple after being caught off-balance. Tan is trying to muscle Hayashi up against the ropes. He does so, and now has Hayashi pinned to the ropes. Tan steps back from Hayashi and looks to unleash some strikes. Using head movement, Hayashi slips past a left jab and counters with a crisp left. Tan uses good footwork to move to safety, out of the way of a crazy flying knee strike attempt. Tan checks a low kick and quickly hits a nice jab. Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything. Hayashi slips past a tidy combination of punches and then hits a sharp kick just above the hip. Checking a leg kick, Tan counters back immediately with a solid left jab. Tan lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a straight left. An exchange of strikes goes nowhere. Hayashi uses head movement to avoid a vicious right hand and fire right back with a jab. An exchange of strikes goes nowhere. Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up grappling. Hayashi looks to get some strikes in, but Tan seizes the moment and wrestles his way into control of the grapple. Tan tries to wrestle Hayashi backward and up against the ropes. Tan manages it, and controls Hayashi up against the ropes. We move into the second half of this round. Tan steps back from Hayashi and looks to unleash some strikes. Hayashi slips past a tidy combination of punches and then hits a punch. Hayashi slips past a tidy combination and hits a hard right kick across the side. Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Tan hits a crisp left hook to the body. A left jab misses the mark and allows Tan to counter with a crisp left. Hayashi slips past a nice combination and hits a crisp left. Hayashi dodges a jab, and fires back with a clean punch. Hayashi uses head movement to avoid a combination of punches, then counters with a nice left. A left jab misses, giving Hayashi the chance to hit back with a swift leg kick. Using head movement, Hayashi slips past a left jab and counters with a jab. Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Tan hits a stinging jab. Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Tan hits a series of quick punches. A left jab misses, giving Hayashi the chance to hit back with a nice left. Hayashi uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a sharp kick to the shin. Syed Tan won't want to take too many unchecked strikes to the legs like that. Slipping past a left jab, Tan hits a quick series of punches. Tan uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a quick series of punches. The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left. Tan dodges a jab, and fires back with a solid right hook to the body. Using head movement, Hayashi slips past a left jab and counters with a nice left. Slipping past a left jab, Hayashi hits a solid left jab. Tan sees an inside leg kick coming and hits first with a stinging jab. Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
Round 2 - It sounded like his corner told Tan to hit Hayashi with everything he has in this round. A leg kick misses badly, giving Tan an opening to score with a lightning fast couple of jabs and a right cross. Hayashi counters a one-two combination with a sharp body kick. Hayashi drops his shoulder and feints to step in, but Tan isn't buying it. Tan is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. Tan is in the pocket, ready to attack Hayashi. Hayashi uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the knee. Syed Tan is showing the effects of the damage he is taking to the legs. It's a clever strategy by Hayashi to work the legs. Tan is less of a threat on his feet if he is limping around. Slipping past a one-two combination, Hayashi has the angle to counter with a sharp kick to the shin. Seeing a right kick to the body coming, Tan darts in and counters with a left jab to the cheek. Hayashi slips past a big right and hits a jab. We pass the halfway mark of this round. They come together and strike, but neither can land a clean shot. Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched. Tan tries to wrestle Hayashi backward and up against the ropes. Hayashi ends up backed against the ropes. Syed Tan is looking really tired. Tan drives a knee to the thigh area. Hayashi gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh. Tan steps back to achieve some separation from Hayashi and gets ready to strike. Slipping past a left jab, Hayashi hits a solid left jab. There's under a minute left in this round. Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either. Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, both fighters start swinging! Tan gets clipped with a right hand and falls to the ground while trying to back-pedal! Moving quickly, Hayashi tries to ensnare the stunned Tan in an armbar. The armbar is locked in, but Tan survives because the round ends! Time expires and we come to the end of round two. That was the sort of round that MMA fans love; full of action, effort and drama. Great stuff.
Round 3 - Moving forward, Hayashi counters a left jab with an amazing flying knee strike, shaking Tan but not putting him down! From the pocket, Hayashi leaps and hits Tan with a flying knee but can't knock him off his feet! Tan, standing in the pocket, darts back to avoid a right kick to the body. Hayashi backs away from Tan, creating some space between them. Despite being tired, Tan looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Hayashi. Hayashi uses his strikes to stop Tan from getting too close. Tan comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket. Tan is now standing in the pocket. Hayashi uses head movement to avoid a left jab. Hayashi uses head movement to dodge a punch, then strikes back with a kick to the side of the ribs. We move into the second half of this round. Showing good footwork and reactions, Tan avoids a body kick. In the pocket, Hayashi tries to get a knock out with a scorching right cross but Tan covers up. Tan sees a right kick coming and strikes first with a crisp left jab. A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate. In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch. Hayashi is trying to muscle Tan up against the ropes. Hayashi can't do it though, and Tan is able to get free. Syed Tan looks very, very tired. There's under a minute left in this round. Hayashi gets Tan with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power. Not letting Hayashi settle at all, Tan comes in closer. Fumiaki Hayashi is breathing very hard. Tan comes in closer, despite his tiredness, looking to attack from the pocket. Tan moves into the pocket. The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires. The official decisions are being reported now. All three judges give the result in favour of Hayashi.
Official Result: 'The Lightning Kid' Fumiaki Hayashi defeats Syed Tan by Unanimous Decision (Good)