2011 Poster Of The Year
As I rewatch Sopranos for the 5th or 6th time, I am still annoyed by the "death" of Big Pussy.
In episode 12, Pussy breaks his leg in a car accident while trailing Christopher on the Pokemon card heist. The FBI contact, Skip Lopresti even visits Pussy in the hospital, where it is made clear Pussy has a serious leg injury as he is in a cast and can not walk.
Fast forward to episode 13, and Pussy is walking around just fine, with no cast, no crutches, or even a limp. Not nearly enough time has passed to heal, because Meadow's graduation is an important part of the story arch and its made very clear that its coming up shortly as we approach episode 13. When Tony gets pinched for the airline tickets, Meadow runs off crying "my graduation is tommorow!".
Tony is having nightmares and hellucinating all though episode 13. He also gets food poisoning from eating Indian food (with Pussy, btw) and states that he is still sick during the scene when they kill Pussy. However, he is seemingly healthy with no reference to the illness at Meadows graduation, which is implied to be the next day. Did Tony dream the Pussy hit? How else would Pussy have no broken leg? Why is Tony suddenly of perfect health, when he is laid up in bed violently ill just hours earlier? The last time we see Pussy without Tony also in the scene is when he's with Skip at the hospital with his broken leg. But Skip asks him to go to Meadows graduation party wired up. He never shows up. But is he dead, or did he run?
Tony also claims to have just purchased a new boat, which is where they whack Pussy. I don't recall ever seeing this boat again in future seasons. The only boat we ever see is Stugots. It is conceivable they would sink/destroy the boat, however.
Pussy is also said to have gone into witness protection by other charcters whenever he is referenced, even in situatons where its just the mob guys who know what "really" happened have no need to lie to each other. He does leave his wife behind. But it does makes sense that if he did finally decide to do his time and enter the program, he would leave her behind, because they were having major domestic issues (they constantly fight, and she even tells Carmella that she is planning on filing for divorce).
Does anyone recall a scene from S3 on where a character other than Tony directly references that Pussy is dead? Not "gone away" or "disappeared", but DEAD? I will be watching closely for this.
David Chase's attention for detail is brilliant, so I fail to believe that Pussy's broken leg was just blatantly disregarded or forgotten.
As I rewatch Sopranos for the 5th or 6th time, I am still annoyed by the "death" of Big Pussy.
In episode 12, Pussy breaks his leg in a car accident while trailing Christopher on the Pokemon card heist. The FBI contact, Skip Lopresti even visits Pussy in the hospital, where it is made clear Pussy has a serious leg injury as he is in a cast and can not walk.
Fast forward to episode 13, and Pussy is walking around just fine, with no cast, no crutches, or even a limp. Not nearly enough time has passed to heal, because Meadow's graduation is an important part of the story arch and its made very clear that its coming up shortly as we approach episode 13. When Tony gets pinched for the airline tickets, Meadow runs off crying "my graduation is tommorow!".
Tony is having nightmares and hellucinating all though episode 13. He also gets food poisoning from eating Indian food (with Pussy, btw) and states that he is still sick during the scene when they kill Pussy. However, he is seemingly healthy with no reference to the illness at Meadows graduation, which is implied to be the next day. Did Tony dream the Pussy hit? How else would Pussy have no broken leg? Why is Tony suddenly of perfect health, when he is laid up in bed violently ill just hours earlier? The last time we see Pussy without Tony also in the scene is when he's with Skip at the hospital with his broken leg. But Skip asks him to go to Meadows graduation party wired up. He never shows up. But is he dead, or did he run?
Tony also claims to have just purchased a new boat, which is where they whack Pussy. I don't recall ever seeing this boat again in future seasons. The only boat we ever see is Stugots. It is conceivable they would sink/destroy the boat, however.
Pussy is also said to have gone into witness protection by other charcters whenever he is referenced, even in situatons where its just the mob guys who know what "really" happened have no need to lie to each other. He does leave his wife behind. But it does makes sense that if he did finally decide to do his time and enter the program, he would leave her behind, because they were having major domestic issues (they constantly fight, and she even tells Carmella that she is planning on filing for divorce).
Does anyone recall a scene from S3 on where a character other than Tony directly references that Pussy is dead? Not "gone away" or "disappeared", but DEAD? I will be watching closely for this.
David Chase's attention for detail is brilliant, so I fail to believe that Pussy's broken leg was just blatantly disregarded or forgotten.