Hand-in-hand with enhanced, realistic, sim gameplay is presentation.
If there is one thing, above all others, that the NCAA series has STALE.
When you go into a game, there isn't anything that makes this feel like a college football game. No pageantry, no spectacle, no emotion. None.
I'm not just talking about uber big rivalry games or championship Bowl games...even at the smallest level of D1 football there is a certain "feel in the air" about the game, regardless of the opponent.
This is where NCAA needs to really step up, and I'm talking about a quantum leap from where we currently are.
Like the Madden team mentioned (and from the demo, it seems they've come through with) was they went and watched football games and noted their presentation and compared and contrasted it to what was in the previous version(s) of the game and everything that wasn't in the game (and there was a great number of cut scenes and presentation elements) was put into the game this year and it was a paramount aspect of the development process. This is what NCAA needs to do, yesterday.
They need to capture the pageantry and emotion of college football like its never done before.
- Every stadium, true to life, needs to be in the game...the fact that there still are generic stadiums is laughable...however, with that said, the entire pre-game presentation as well as all of the cut scenes should NOT, I repeat, NOT focus on how pretty the stadium is.
- Team specific entrances. All teams have them, they should be in the game.
- More cut scenes focused on the students in the crowd. During the pre-game presentation, maybe some cut scenes of tailgating. Get some shots that focus on the outside of the stadium.
-During the game...focus on the sideline interation...the head coach should be a big time focus of the game as they are often the FACE of college teams for decades. Madden did a good job in the demo of having little cut scenes that featured the head coach.
-Post game presentation should feature team specific endings...whether the student-athletes
-For rivalry games, focus on the rivalry and have game specific game should feature a presentation of the award of some kind.
-For Bowl games, reference rivalry games.
I am sure the list can go on and on, but this is just a start to one of the major issues (non-gameplay related) to NCAA. Its simply boring and doesn't capture what college football is all about.
With that said, what are some of the elements with game presentation would you like to see?
If there is one thing, above all others, that the NCAA series has STALE.
When you go into a game, there isn't anything that makes this feel like a college football game. No pageantry, no spectacle, no emotion. None.
I'm not just talking about uber big rivalry games or championship Bowl games...even at the smallest level of D1 football there is a certain "feel in the air" about the game, regardless of the opponent.
This is where NCAA needs to really step up, and I'm talking about a quantum leap from where we currently are.
Like the Madden team mentioned (and from the demo, it seems they've come through with) was they went and watched football games and noted their presentation and compared and contrasted it to what was in the previous version(s) of the game and everything that wasn't in the game (and there was a great number of cut scenes and presentation elements) was put into the game this year and it was a paramount aspect of the development process. This is what NCAA needs to do, yesterday.
They need to capture the pageantry and emotion of college football like its never done before.
- Every stadium, true to life, needs to be in the game...the fact that there still are generic stadiums is laughable...however, with that said, the entire pre-game presentation as well as all of the cut scenes should NOT, I repeat, NOT focus on how pretty the stadium is.
- Team specific entrances. All teams have them, they should be in the game.
- More cut scenes focused on the students in the crowd. During the pre-game presentation, maybe some cut scenes of tailgating. Get some shots that focus on the outside of the stadium.
-During the game...focus on the sideline interation...the head coach should be a big time focus of the game as they are often the FACE of college teams for decades. Madden did a good job in the demo of having little cut scenes that featured the head coach.
-Post game presentation should feature team specific endings...whether the student-athletes
-For rivalry games, focus on the rivalry and have game specific game should feature a presentation of the award of some kind.
-For Bowl games, reference rivalry games.
I am sure the list can go on and on, but this is just a start to one of the major issues (non-gameplay related) to NCAA. Its simply boring and doesn't capture what college football is all about.
With that said, what are some of the elements with game presentation would you like to see?