So I wrapped up Undead Nightmare the other day. 100%'d that shit. I had a lot of fun because it was more RDR which is never a bad thing. Of course things get repetitive but that is to be expected when you are going for 100% completion.
One thing that did nag me throughout was how the zombies could pull your ass off the horse with ease. It got frustrating as hell when you were trying to complete a side challenge, like Sharpshooter where you have to kill five zombies in one deadeye meter, only to have some fucking zombie yank you off your horse out of nowhere. Or when you were trying to escape a crowd and even though you should easily get past theme your horse would just stop to let the game go into the animation so that the zombie could pull you off. That and the fact that they would just spawn constantly and they always seemed to come from behind you (LOL) was a bit annoying.
All and all it was well worth the $10, especially since I got over 14 hours of game play out of it. I strongly suggest trying to capture the unicorn. That's right, I said a fucking UNICORN! It has butterflies flying around it, a horn and rainbows streaming from it when you gallop. You know you want that shit.
I then decided I want to fire up Uncharted again and get all the treasures I had missed during my original playthrough. I have no idea why because I have a pile of shame that would probably put everyone in the Arcade sections piles to shame. But that's what i did and I'm glad I did. I almost forgot how amazing that game is. I originally wanted to try to play through on Hard while getting the treasures. I did beat the first 9 chapters on Hard but JayDizzle reminded me that the game gets absurd after that so I decided to just get all the treasures bu loading up the chapters on Easy. I did get all 101 of those bitches. I was also able to get all the 'Get X amount of kills with X weapon' trophies along the way.
Because I was just treasure whoring I skipped all the cutscenes. I enjoyed playing the game so much though that I think I am going to go through the whole thing on Hard, and enjoy the whole story again. I figure it will be a little easier knowing that I won't have to hunt for treasures.
Playing the game again also got me back into the multiplayer, most notably the co-op. JayDizzle and I had a balst last night (and tonight) playing on Hard eventhough that shit is no joke. I would love to continue to play with Buzzman or Wings instead of the third guy being a random. Personally I wish they would allow five people instead of just three because playing on Hard is a BITCH! Also, it would be great to try out the newer maps in modes like Siege with other people that aren't as cheap as Jay. Just kidding bro.
I've also been dabbling in Blur on PS3. I really like that game but damn is it hard as hit. I'd hate to drop it down to Easy but I might have to.
On a sidenote to Blur, I strongly encourage anyone that uses Twitter to folow OneofSwords. It;s Dan Americh who is the community manager for Activision and was one of the former editors of OXM (Official Xbox Magazine). I know most people think of Activision as the evil empire but that dude is one cool motherfucker and is extrememly approachable. He has directly answered my questions and Tweets numerous times on there, and he's usually very fast about it. I also won a contest he posted on there where I won a bag filled with random Activision shit. I completely forgot I signed up and found a box on my front porch today.
So I'm figuring my next venture might be Transformers on 360 or I might try to get back to Bioshock 2. I have no idea why but I can't stay with that game for some reason.