Got this from another board
*DISCLAIMER* These are based off made up numbers, but still interesting
2006 = 5,270,000 total. 527,000 = average
2007 = 4,935,000 total. 449,000 = Average
2008 = 6,325,000 total. 527,000 = Average
2009 = 8,020,000 total. 617,000 = Average
2010 = 9,080,000 Total. 605,000 = Average
2011** 3,480,000 (total. 435,000 = Average.
The average PPV sale has gone down 200k this year,
from 2010 and 2009.
Also it looks like total sales will be down as well,
2010 saw 15 PPV's for 9 million sales.
2011 already has half that (8) with 1/3rd in total sales.
*DISCLAIMER* These are based off made up numbers, but still interesting