So let me get this straight, a NE practice squad player was signed by the Jets. This practice squad player informed the Jets of the never thought of practice of aligning players on the sidelines to interfere with opposing players pushed into the sidlines on returns. Instead of taking the high road and saying something like "we can't do that, it goes against the principles that this team is built on, and by the way it's cheating", they go ahead and implement it during games, but not only that, take it further and line up coaches and trainers to do it. Then they get caught for not only a bump, or even an elbow, but a flat out trip that is caught on video, and its the Patriots fault, lol. I think the Jets/Alosi should sue the NFL to get the money they were fined back and go after the Pats for it. I mean the Jets are clearly not at fault here, the Pats were behind this whole scheme.
Sidenote- For what its worth, I have to add that of all the things the Pats have been accused or found guilty of, they never point any fingers at other teams or coaches.