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*Many thanks to our returning listeners as well as those who have stumbled upon this humble podcast this week.
**Don't forget to check us out at Podomatic as well as iTunes for your Mp3 fix.
***Send your comments and/or questions to vsdpodcast@gmail.com
The VSD Arcade Podcast returns to you this week with a special announcement...
We're doing another show and all you lucky people get to listen to it, for FREE no less.
...now before we continue to toot the hell out of our own horns (requires a LOT of Yoga btw), we just want to thank past, present and future listeners for giving us the very reason to jaw on for so long.
Also, we need to offload this leftover cake from last week... so please, enjoy a slice on us and enjoy the 'Cast.
*Added Side-Note: Thank all of you who replied to the Uncharted 3 Cup Code Contest last week; we appreciate your colorful response and look forward to giving back to all our fans in the near future.
=> Stream Your Copy of This Week's VSD Arcade Podcast From Here Today!!! <=
=> And Cop That Shit on iTunes While You're at It <=
=> And Cop That Shit on iTunes While You're at It <=
-The VSD Crew have the need, the need for speed with Forza Motorsport 4 and Ace Combat: Assault Horizon; Jay regrets buying Dead Rising 2: Off the Record; Hulk Hogan's Main Event teaches us how to look orange and take steroids; and Red Dead Redemption: GOTY Edition finally hits shelves at High Noon in Games Out
-Sideway: New York, Metal Slug 2 and The King of the Fighters '96 showcase this week for PSN while Guardian Heroes and the movie tie-in Real Steel round out what XBL has going on in Weekly Downloadables and Discounts*
*also included: The Cursed Crusade for both systems
-Gamers finally get their second shot to be Vengeance and "The Night" with Batman: Arkham City; also, the 'Cast gets their co-op on in Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One in Games Coming Up
-Bioware and EA reveal Mass Effect 3's big announcement in the form of online multiplay in our Industry News/Rumor segment
-SONY narrowly avoids another fiasco via a recent hacking attempt in our Topic of the Week
-And last but not least, the VSD Crew give their Shout Outs before they finish with the Outro
*Many thanks to our returning listeners as well as those who have stumbled upon this humble podcast this week.
**Don't forget to check us out at Podomatic as well as iTunes for your Mp3 fix.
***Send your comments and/or questions to vsdpodcast@gmail.com