Let's Go All The Way...
Episode #45...
...enjoy bitches.
...enjoy bitches.
The guys are back, discussing what they "know" best... Videogames.
This week we have a conga-line of guests as Twigg, Bomberooski, Brnt, Brink AND Swarley all chime in their opinions.
Oh, and Jay's back hosting this week so there's that too.
On Tap:
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
-Dragon's Dogma
-Resistance: Burning Skies
-Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
-The 38 Studios debacle
-The XBox 360's possible banning in the U.S.
-Sony tempting fate with Cloud-server gaming
-Commercial Breaks during gameplay
-Diablo 3 talk
-Borderlands love
It's ridiculous how much is in this episode but the 'Cast Crew does it all for you listeners out there.
So please, enjoy and share it with your buddies today and everyone have a safe Memorial Day Weekend...