No1 Leafs Fan
Center - #13
Hi everyone;
My name is Sebby, but people on xbox knows me by the GT: No1 Leafs Fan. We were once in a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League, like what the VHL used to be & what LG is now. When the VHL collapsed, almost ALL of the VHL'ers went over to LG (LeagueGaming). Alot of people do not like the way LG is run, so they joined other "small" independent leagues. Some of those leagues are the IOHL, UOHL, EHL & many more... but one was named CIHL (Center Ice Hockey League).
I am/was the Commissioner of the CIHL. Reason I say was, is because we were using phpBB forums with no real website (was not my idea)... and with 2 weeks left into our Season, everything got corrupted somehow & we ended up losing ALL our data that was forums related: Members, Forums, Locker Rooms, Threads. A lot of time, effort & investment were lost in that. So, we decided to rebuild.
Now, when we were rebuilding, I was introduced to some of the site admins or officials from this website by my good friend Romo Timex9. We pitched them an idea, and they seemed to have liked it. The idea would be to bring the CIHL Community here to join this marvelous website & set-up shop here for a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League.
For those who doesn't know what that is, a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League is where you have a league of multiple teams (30 NHL Teams), and on each of those teams you have 17 players (9 forwards, 6 defense & 2 goaltenders). Each team plays twice every night (Sunday to Thursday) for a total of 10 games per week. Each player can play a maximum of 4 games per week & minimum of 3 per week. So everyone on the team gets the chance to play.
Of course there are rules when it comes to a league, where we already have a 7 page rule book that we call our "Constitution" (that would be incorporated once we start it up). I guess what the point of this introduction post is, is to introduce myself to this Community & see if we could peek any interest of the VSN Community if you or anyone else would be interested in joining the VSHL (Virtual Sports Hockey League).
We would start with the 30 NHL Teams, have the alignments the way the real NHL is setup. If we get enough interest, we would also add the 30 AHL affiliate system (with the real AHL alignment as well), where players would have the ability to get called-up to the NHL, some could get sent down to the AHL (by clearing Waivers), trades & everything... just like the real deal, but played by us on xbox. It is not a GM Connected league or any of that, it is a 6v6 League, played in OTP lobbies, with your online pro.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me on here or on xbox. You may also comment on this, letting us know if people you know or yourself would be interested. It wouldn't start right away, as this would be a process that would need to be built, which could take a month or two to kick start the season... but we feel that here on VSN, we could actually hurt the bigger leagues, as this Community seems pretty involved & is a pretty large Community as well.
Thanks for your time!!
My name is Sebby, but people on xbox knows me by the GT: No1 Leafs Fan. We were once in a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League, like what the VHL used to be & what LG is now. When the VHL collapsed, almost ALL of the VHL'ers went over to LG (LeagueGaming). Alot of people do not like the way LG is run, so they joined other "small" independent leagues. Some of those leagues are the IOHL, UOHL, EHL & many more... but one was named CIHL (Center Ice Hockey League).
I am/was the Commissioner of the CIHL. Reason I say was, is because we were using phpBB forums with no real website (was not my idea)... and with 2 weeks left into our Season, everything got corrupted somehow & we ended up losing ALL our data that was forums related: Members, Forums, Locker Rooms, Threads. A lot of time, effort & investment were lost in that. So, we decided to rebuild.
Now, when we were rebuilding, I was introduced to some of the site admins or officials from this website by my good friend Romo Timex9. We pitched them an idea, and they seemed to have liked it. The idea would be to bring the CIHL Community here to join this marvelous website & set-up shop here for a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League.
For those who doesn't know what that is, a 6v6 Hockey Simulation League is where you have a league of multiple teams (30 NHL Teams), and on each of those teams you have 17 players (9 forwards, 6 defense & 2 goaltenders). Each team plays twice every night (Sunday to Thursday) for a total of 10 games per week. Each player can play a maximum of 4 games per week & minimum of 3 per week. So everyone on the team gets the chance to play.
Of course there are rules when it comes to a league, where we already have a 7 page rule book that we call our "Constitution" (that would be incorporated once we start it up). I guess what the point of this introduction post is, is to introduce myself to this Community & see if we could peek any interest of the VSN Community if you or anyone else would be interested in joining the VSHL (Virtual Sports Hockey League).
We would start with the 30 NHL Teams, have the alignments the way the real NHL is setup. If we get enough interest, we would also add the 30 AHL affiliate system (with the real AHL alignment as well), where players would have the ability to get called-up to the NHL, some could get sent down to the AHL (by clearing Waivers), trades & everything... just like the real deal, but played by us on xbox. It is not a GM Connected league or any of that, it is a 6v6 League, played in OTP lobbies, with your online pro.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me on here or on xbox. You may also comment on this, letting us know if people you know or yourself would be interested. It wouldn't start right away, as this would be a process that would need to be built, which could take a month or two to kick start the season... but we feel that here on VSN, we could actually hurt the bigger leagues, as this Community seems pretty involved & is a pretty large Community as well.
Thanks for your time!!