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Virtual Sports Network Reviews Madden 25 Next-Generation (PS4/Xbox One)
When I got home with my PlayStation 4 the first game I booted up was Madden 25. I'm not entirely sure why I made that choice, seeing I have been somewhat disappointed by the current gen version of the game. But as with all Madden fans, we hope for the best but brace ourselves for the worst each year. Skepticism was admittedly running high after the lackluster Madden 06 port to Xbox 360 when that system launched. As usual each year, I come running back out of my love for NFL football. I'm happy to say that Madden 25 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems exceed my expectations. AI blocking has been heavily tuned in the transition to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems, which was very welcome compared to current gen.. Offensive linemen seem to always be looking for somebody to hit. They pick up on rushers and seem to actually think, as opposed to the offensive lineman that are sucked into blocking a defensive player that is performing a QB spy and not even rushing the passer on current gen. On the flip side, 5 offensive linemen can only block… you guessed it, 5 rushers. So now the assumptions of a "nano" blitz are removed, because at any point in time if your opponent has the guts to rush 6-7 defenders and you don't adjust and make a quick read you will be sacked. This is very welcome and refreshing for me as a longtime fan of the series. Kudos to Clint Oldenburg and the team at EA that worked on the “War in the Trenches” feature within the game.
The controls in Madden 25 are somewhat intuitive. For a long time Madden player you will have no problem. First time players or people who pop over to your house every now and then to play a game might feel a bit overwhelmed. There is just so much to do pre-snap and post-snap that anybody who is not familiar with the Madden franchise will spend hours trying to master the scheme. Overall the pre-snap adjustments are broken up nicely, with specific buttons triggering specific personnel groups. For example triangle will open options for the defensive backs. The precision modifier feels unnatural to me, for some reason having to hold down a trigger to execute an evasive move isn't as appealing to me in Madden, while it is needed in a game for sports like FIFA or NBA. In football I don't believe that there are that many evasive moves that are necessary, especially seeing the precision moves are just amplified versions of existing moves. .
Madden Ultimate Team is a mode that is worth checking out, and is the most played mode for for a growing number of gamers. The nostalgic trading card experience can be very rewarding for a user, but make no mistake about it, this game mode is built to be a revenue generator for EA and you will find yourself buying pack after pack of cards to build your team. The play vs friend option is much needed, as the majority of random users you will play online have monster teams because they have dumped an insane amount of money to become the best. The solo challenges are plentiful but can become a serious chore. Some of them I found myself enjoying, but most were not extremely challenging once my team was built up in key positions. Don't get me wrong, you can enjoy this game mode without spending money, but I don't see it being more intriguing than the Owner Mode.
The Verdict:
Perhaps I set the expectation bar for next gen Madden entirely too low. EA has captured my attention once again, and I am cautiously optimistic for what is in store in the coming years. If EA continues to improve upon the game they have now, the future is very promising. Next Gen Madden 25 is the closest this franchise has been to a complete and functional game in a long time. EA has improved blocking, defensive AI, player movements, and much more. The menus are blazing fast on the next gen consoles and the game feels much more fluid. The only real issues of concern to me were that the commentary can be a little repetitive and at times slightly annoying and that I’d like to see an even bigger jump in the quality of graphics leveraging the capabilities of next gen hardware this coming August.
The differences between the game on the two consoles are negligible at best. The Xbox One version seems to play just a little tighter with regards to controlling an individual player but that is about it as far as differences go. If you are a football fan and are transitioning to a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One I would suggest that you give this game a shot, as it is much more enjoyable than the current gen version of Madden. I am very pleased overall with my Madden experience.
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Controls: 8.25/10
Sound: 7/10
Presentation: 8/10
Replayability: 8.75/10
Overall: 8.1