vsn has rizzen

The VSN Championship Series is a ladder tournament for NCAA 11 on both consoles (360 & PS3)
This is how it will go down. You sign up in this thread, and be sure to post your Gamertag or PSN. Once the game drops until the end of the tournament, play as many games as you possibly can. I will be creating a game results thread where you need to post, well, the results of your game. Only the winner of each match needs to post the results, but be sure to include who you played, the score and the teams used.
Me or a moderator will tally all of the game results posted in the thread, so you can watch the standings as the tournament progresses.
The tournament will begin on July 13th and end on July 18th at 11:59 pm. We will take the 8 to 16 players with the most wins on each console (depending on how many people play) and do a tournament to determine the overall winners.
The winners of the tournament will receive:
An exclusive award on the forums
A free subscriber membership
(More Benefits to come soon)
Good luck, have fun, play fair, and sign up now! If you have any questions me or a staff member will address them here.
Game settings can be ranked or unranked, quarter length should remain around 5-7 minutes. It's open to if both people agree upon the circumstances.
We will post a thread to report games in, one to discuss/schedule games as well.