I want the DB's make a better effort for the ball but at the same time NO DB no matter their jump rating should pick a ball off and they're 10 yards under the WR.
Bullet Passes need not to be so flat, Lobs need not to be so slow and high like punts.
Progressive weather, make it rain then lighten up or get worst, let a storm come thru in the middle of the game, etc...
On the QB sneak make it so they have to try to jump over a pile of people and if they make it, it's only by inches.
Take away the animation where the player tries to strip the ball and they spin around the dude head and it's an automatic 15 yard facemask.
If two players on the same team is near the sideline, and a pass is coming, make one jump to tip the ball to the other player.
Take away the damn 40 time and bench press in the create a player/progree a player. I hate that bullshit.
Eliminate superstar mode, it's only fun in college...But instead put the movie deals, interviews, etc... in franchise mode
(that's all I can think of right now)