Seriously. Are they that fucking retarded? lol
M'fers getting sued for sure.
Possession of illegal weapons might be a class 1 misdemeanor. Sending them out as swag, especially for a company like Electronic Arts, is a grade-A f***-up.
Now, speaking as someone who once had a cool swag idea that ran afoul of a corporate legal department ex post facto (very long story, do not ask) I'm sure the marketer behind this one was not considering the criminal code when he greenlighted the distribution of brass knuckles as a Godfather II promo. But I'm also sure he had a very adult conversation with risk management. And that he's not going to sit in the front seat next time two of his colleagues suggest they go out for lunch. Especially if cannolis are brought along.
On our end of things, bet half your ass and all your balls Jack Thompson just contacted the cop departments of his mostleast favorite games writers to alert them to the evildoing in their jurisdiction.
Still, corporate stupidity was not limited to the publishers; GameStop was called out for its "really-that's-new-ok-not-really" practice of letting titles played by staff go out the door advertised as brand new. That might acquaint them with the FTC, which is not a new genre (first-tower combat?). And I'm out of breath. That only covers two of the most outrageous things in the week of original reporting.
According to California Penal Code Section 12020(a), it is illegal to for someone to:
Manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives , lends, or possesses any cane gun or wallet gun, any undetectable firearm, any firearm which is not immediately recognizable as a firearm, any camouflaging firearm container, any ammunition which contains or consists of any flechette dart, any bullet containing or carrying an explosive agent, any ballistic knife, any multiburst trigger activator, any nunchaku, any short-barreled shotgun, any short-barreled rifle, any metal knuckles, any belt buckle knife, any leaded cane, any zip gun, any shuriken, any unconventional pistol, any lipstick case knife, any cane sword, any shobi-zue, any air gauge knife, any writing pen knife, any metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade, or any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a blackjack, slungshot, billy, sandclub, sap, or sandbag.
Seriously. Are they that fucking retarded? lol
M'fers getting sued for sure.