As an aside, someone who's a Dolphins fan probably can't explain enough to a non-fan how great of a teammate, leader, worker, and best of all, person, Zach was/is. This guy gave up a lot for the organization, never complained, and even gave up money sometimes to restructure, etc.
I think part of the reason he doesn't get the total respect he should is because he did it quietly. He wasn't a big media guy or rah rah guy like Ray Lewis. Even to this day he loves the Dolphins and when he comes around there's nothing but love. He's up there with Marino and Griese in respect. Since he left/retired no one has worn his number. It was given to a rookie 3 years ago in camp but immediately taken away once fans and the upper management found out.
Jason Taylor and Zach's careers ran parallel, they're even brothers-in-law (for those who didn't know). IMO they should both go in to the Hall on the same year, whenever. They are the only Dolphins in the history of the franchise, other than perhaps Bob Kuechenberg, who deserve to be in the HOF.