it sounds like this isnt a new thing based on what you mentioned about halo and people wanting to be on the off host team.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 thread
the connection issues are while in the lobby. your party goes into a lobby then when it merges with another party your teammates or their teammates get booted from the lobby so you have to back out again....shit like that....and it happens alot more than it should
host advantage is what it is.....but what i called team advantage doesnt really have a name yet. but basically what people are saying is the team that doesnt have the host has a distinct advantage cause of how IW is trying to balance the game. Easiest way to explain it is that they see things before you see things
example....i am walking straight ahead. I turn right and continue walking. I get shot in the back and die. On kill Cam i see what the guy who shot me saw. On his screen i am walking straight....before i turn right he shoots me in the chest and i die.
you ever see a guy run full sprint around a corner and as soon as he pops around the corner he is already shooting at you. when your sprinting you have to stop sprinting to fire your gun. Watch the kill cam and you see what he saw. He is sprinting around the corner, then he stops sprinting, brings up his scope and shoots you. But on your screen you saw him pop around the corner with his bullets flying
people seems to think IW balances the game by giving the people with the worst connections and advantage. The way they do this is anyone who isnt on the hosting team gets this advantage.
i mostly play hardcore so unless i get the final kill its harder to see. But on Core modes, start watching the kill cam more and you will see what i am talking about.
when playing HC 2 nights ago i got the final kill. I was laying on the ground and a guy came out a door into an ally way. HE was no more than 10 feet away and everyone got to see this bullshot on kill cam. When he came around the corner i couldnt get a headshot cause i was prone and he was to close to aim that high. So i fired my M16 into hsi chest (3 round bursts)....he didnt go down, i fired again he didnt go down....he tried to run past me to avoid the bullets....i fired another burst into his back. He didnt go down. I finally got up on a knee and fired into his head and he died.
I was bitching during this in the game....then realized it was the final kill and when everyone else saw it, they understood why i was so disgusted. its the type of thing people would crucify madden for
Welcome to what PC players were bitching about.
Leafs offseason training!Comment
Yep! Always would get booted for someone better. I remember playing an FFA match with Shockwav3 and my mic was going nuts and I didn't know it. He booted me and took me off his friends list lol
Originally posted by GonzoLW is probably the most solid poster VSN has to offer.Comment
Well I get host a lot, and I know this because if I leave a game early it pauses for a second and shows the "find new host" thing. Also, if you hold the back button down when the game starts it shows me/host as the only player assigned to a team, then the rest of the people are assigned teams.
Originally posted by GonzoLW is probably the most solid poster VSN has to offer.Comment
Two times in one game last night, this fucking guy on the other team stabbed three people in five seconds and I was the second one to get it each time. His clan tag, predictably - [stab]Comment
It actually does add a tiny bit of damage to a gun. But yeah it is kind of annoying to do to complete a challenge. Although I do like using it with the M16 cause if you miss one shot of the burst from a distance, they still die I've noticed.Comment