All you guys who called this the best game ever....

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  • RosettaStoned
    Throbbing Tebowner
    • Oct 2008
    • 9949

    Originally posted by Raider
    Actually the first post took shots are your girly pictures and attitude seperately this last one bunched them together.
    Yeah, which means you said the same thing. Dumbfuck.

    Wow, an intellectual haven't been called that since 5th grade, I knew the positivity would start flowing once you were put in your right place, kudos.
    Pseudo, google it.

    Trolling? See trolling is fun but you have to mix it up sometimes acting like a bitch get's old see my whole bs intelligent rant now that my friend is something you don't see everyday. Even has you thinking i'm some button up smart dude when in reality that couldn't be farther from the truth (I enjoy to leave the top button on my polo unbuttoned, bitches dig it).
    Nah, it actually has me thinking you're really fucking dumb, and can't even act smart on the internet properly.
    So, metaphorically speaking, our physiology basically has the universe mapped out and you're thinking it needs to be taught addition & subtraction.

    -Alan Aragon


    • RosettaStoned
      Throbbing Tebowner
      • Oct 2008
      • 9949

      Originally posted by Raider
      So instead of coming up with anything of substance you revert back to dumbfuck, good job dumbfuck. If nothing else it has you thinking which gauging from the last few posts is a stretch for you. I'm sure being the faggoty kid you are this can and will drag on until you get the last post so go ahead because what you lack in smarts and savy you make up in pure inbred perseverance like a retard attempting to fuck the neighbors cat again and again and again....

      Gracias for keeping me entertained for the last few hours.
      What of substance is there to post? I asked you a basic question, you were too fucking stupid to answer. Pretty much ends any conversation of substance, and spirals into you continuing to be too fucking stupid spell savvy.
      So, metaphorically speaking, our physiology basically has the universe mapped out and you're thinking it needs to be taught addition & subtraction.

      -Alan Aragon


      • steeljake
        6 rings...
        • Oct 2008
        • 8752

        Originally posted by Raider

        Wow, an intellectual haven't been called that since 5th grade...
        i lol'ed at this... there may be a reason you dont hear this used to descibe yourself.


        23:33 OnlyOneBeerLeft: jake nobody listens to you aint you supposed to die from cancer or somethin soon?


        • ralaw
          Posts too much
          • Feb 2009
          • 6662

          Originally posted by steeljake75
          maybe becasue as kids we all thoughts hey this is neat look what i can do. but as adults we realise that the game can be and is more fun when you play it like it is on the field on sundays/ i fail to see why it is such a big deal that we just want what we paid for and were promised. a game that doesnt suck so bad that it makes you want to break shit. the new stuff they put in is half assed and the old shit is still broken. the most fun i had with tecmo bowl was tecmo super bowl 3 where it actually tracked the players stats and let you run the team in a chise style for the first time ever. it also had create a player.
          Originally posted by RosettaStoned
          Yeah, I used to think Donkey Kong and DOS programs were the shit too. Make a legitimate point please.
          I think both of you need to take a step back from it and realize that you're playing a video game. My post was in no way meant to defend a video game, because I really don't have time or the patience to deal with that topic. It’s a video game that attempts to simulate real life within the confines of a video game. I'm not saying the game is great or here to defend anyone who thinks it is, but just to point out that maybe the two of you should realize it’s a video game. It really isn't as serious as some of you want to make it out to be. Now, don't get me wrong I have always been a fan of simulation style games over arcade style, but I also understand that the simulation style games can only be so much.

          I'm not really sure what either one of you are looking for in a video game, but I know for me I'm just looking for something that I can pick up, play and have some fun...then again I'm not this hardcore video gamer who has to have every aspect to be perfect to real life in order for me to have fun. I don't want video games simulating real life to a "T". I don't want one bullet to kill me in COD, I want to build Duke Football into a dynasty and for you steeljake, I don’t want Ray Lewis always breaking Mendenhall’s collarbone (please don't bring up the Ravens record against the Steelers last year). If games become too realistic they'd become too hard and people would be complaining. To be honest with you for me the recruiting in NCAA Football has attempted to become too “realistic,” because I don’t have time or the patience to sit there and take 2-4 hours out of my day for recruiting.

          As usual I'll play Madden for a few months and eventually send it back to Gamefly. Outside of COD this is how I get my games now. Maybe the two you should consider that, so that if a game isn't to your liking you can simply send it back and at least have the security that you saved your money.
          Last edited by ralaw; 09-04-2009, 09:02 AM.


          • steeljake
            6 rings...
            • Oct 2008
            • 8752

            i just want a game that doesnt have the same obvious flaws it has every year. they just add some new flashy shit that is only half assed anyways so that is fucked, and since they didnt fix the old shit, now what we have is an even bigger, and more polished, bright shinny pile of shit, instead of the piece of shit we had before. EA continues to say how great madden will be then it gets real quiet over at EA until football season ends as most people stop playing madden by then. then the hype machine and the lies start back up.

            I want my 60 bucks to get me a game that plays as good as it looks. thats great they got the hand towels right, but you cant run the ball without having a linebacker in your face before the ball even gets handed to him. the helmets have single numbers on them, but you can bump and cover 2 all you want and a flat pass will still get the oppenent 6 yards. dont even get me started on the slow speed online and how they just majorly fucked the whole community on that. Ian desrves a punch in the dick, and I dont even take this shit that seriously.

            at this point it is more about a game in which i can actually control the player i am using at the time. 99% of the time i cant even get a player to move right becasue he is too busy completing a juke animation and by the time that shit is over on slow speed, there are 4 gusy there to tackle me. on D the players all move down and into the center of the field at the snap, even the players in blue deep zones. and this happens even if you are controling teh player, you have to fight him back into position.

            btw... 0-3 dickhead, and it will be 0-2 this year, 0-3 if they make the playoffs, which they wont.
            Last edited by steeljake; 09-04-2009, 09:38 AM.

            23:33 OnlyOneBeerLeft: jake nobody listens to you aint you supposed to die from cancer or somethin soon?


            • ralaw
              Posts too much
              • Feb 2009
              • 6662

              Originally posted by steeljake75
              btw... 0-3 dickhead, and it will be 0-2 this year, 0-3 if they make the playoffs, which they wont.
              What? You can't follow directions? Meh, this year will be different....after winning the SB you're boys won't have that edge and Joe "Cool" Flacco won't be raddled by the pressure.


              • steeljake
                6 rings...
                • Oct 2008
                • 8752

                good i hope he doesnt get rattled, it will be easier to sack his dumb ass if he just stands there like he isnt scurred.

                23:33 OnlyOneBeerLeft: jake nobody listens to you aint you supposed to die from cancer or somethin soon?


                • Nukleopatra
                  Posts a lot
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 4365

                  Originally posted by ralaw
                  As usual I'll play Madden for a few months and eventually send it back to Gamefly. Outside of COD this is how I get my games now. Maybe the two you should consider that, so that if a game isn't to your liking you can simply send it back and at least have the security that you saved your money.
                  See the bolded text?

                  You people should try doing the same thing. That's the beauty about renting shitty games, you can send them back. When Madden 11 comes out, the same dumbasses who bought 10 and bitched about it, will buy that piece of shit, too.

                  I think the most entertainment I get, is prior to the release, when Ian, the con that he is, pitches you people via blog about how different it will be this year, and people eat that shit up.

                  I can already tell what his pitch is going to be in 2011 - ''Improved AI.''

                  And it won't happen.
                  Last edited by Nukleopatra; 09-04-2009, 03:22 PM.


                  • mgoblue2290
                    Posts too much
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 7174

                    Originally posted by RosettaStoned
                    That's like calling one piece of shit less stinky.
                    Perfect way to describe this game. Its been out a month and now its getting annoying again. All the stupid little things it does wrong, like my offensive lineman about to block a corner on a screen and then he just runs the other way, bringing out the chains when I've clearly got the first down, the refs conferencing over a touchdown when I was obviously in. The fact that some running backs can bust out of 5 man gang tackles. The DBs still blindly turning and running towards the ball, I thought we fixed this, obviously not. Its awesome watching a player sprint across the screen approximately .5 seconds after I release the ball.

                    Franchise mode is kind of fun, but the gameplay is as broken as ever.

                    What can we expect, its EA.


                    • Tailback U
                      No substitute 4 strength.
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 10282

                      I'm starting to like the game a lot more. Once you get used to all the fucking bullshit it's not that bad.


                      • mgoblue2290
                        Posts too much
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 7174

                        Originally posted by Tailback U
                        I'm starting to like the game a lot more. Once you get used to all the fucking bullshit it's not that bad.
                        I was the exact opposite. I was fine with the little bullshit at first, now it just pisses me off.


                        • Aso
                          The Serious House
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 11137

                          I think It's the best Madden ever. The graphics on the ps2 were not that good.

                          It needs a play creator though which i am hoping will be in Madden 11.

