[FOOT] MW2 Thread
Originally posted by houtzIt's all I got man. If it's up to me and my gun I get fucked up every time. I just realized today I can resupply on dead enemies which would give me more frag shots. The shit is tits when you're on my team.
Great also if you use a launcher as your secondary and happen to have not upgraded it yet.Comment
Originally posted by kyhadleyPsh I would've died if you had stabbed me first.I was rocking Dal's Marathon-Lightweight-Commando class that match lol. :nunchuck:
I commend you on the good games though.Comment
I'll be on later..got yet another Madden league game..this time-playoffs :D.Comment
This could have changed seeing as I was on "hiatus" (or retired as Hova would have led you to believe) and Blade has had more time to play and get better.
...then again, this might change also seeing as that putz went on vacation. :bootyshake:Comment
If we dont have anymore than 9 tonight, we should make an effort to back out after matches when a FOOT member is on the other team, then re-invite everyone again.
Basically, I hate dying to cf.Comment
Originally posted by kyhadleywhen you think I'm dead, shoot some more lol
Especially since I got some "Executioner" XP for lighting you up the first time you went into "Last Stand" mode.Comment
Im only 14k away from 57 right now anyway.
Not that it matters. You are still far and away the better players in score, kills, k/d and in a lot less time played.Comment