I've played on and off for the past coupe days, it's luster is starting to wear off doubt I'll prestige past three, if I even make it there. I dunno know, maybe a map pack will bring me back to this?
[FOOT] MW2 Thread
get better and looking forward to seeing you on more in the future!
anyone on tonight?Comment
naw, been gone for 3 days, and i got home late, damn NFL OT, and i gotta wake up early, probably wont be playing that much this week, my dads paying me to download a shit load of music for him, i hate having stuff download while playing MW2Comment
i was owning when i came back on, i had like 2 35-5 games, i think only 2-4 werent prestige, and i was getting the majority of the kills on the teams, people on my team were actually pissed, especially when i saved this one guys life on scrapyard, we were in one of the plane things, and some guy was coming up from behind my teammate, i saw him, shot him, guys like "I coulda got him." i would have said, "Yea...later."Comment