[ame="http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/852871/bungie-project-2/videos/halokills_mnt_101209.html"]IGN Video: Halo 3: ODST Xbox 360 Video - IGN Top 10: Killtacular@@AMEPARAM@@flashvars='object_ID=852871&downloadURL=http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/103/1035106/halokills_mnt_101209_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking=@@AMEPARAM@@object@@AMEPARAM@@8528 71@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360movies@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360@@AM EPARAM@@103/1035106@@AMEPARAM@@halokills_mnt_101209_flvlowwide[/ame]
All 10 of the kills were nasty and had I died by any of them I woulda been pissed. Amazing how good some guys are on this game. Too bad all games didnt include a rewatchable match camera, but at least Uncharted 2 has it now.
All 10 of the kills were nasty and had I died by any of them I woulda been pissed. Amazing how good some guys are on this game. Too bad all games didnt include a rewatchable match camera, but at least Uncharted 2 has it now.