I have offically joined the...
Like I said before. Anyone who thinks the firmware can't be detected is an idiot. You guys think these 13 years old who are doing this stuff know anything?
LOL @ champ. Guy plays offline, says he won't get detected we tell him your console is still sending play data to live.
Leafs offseason training!Comment
That is also well documented as a means that MS has used in the past to go after modded consoles. If you boot up the 360 a few times without the serial cable connected or things that people do like that to mod a console, you open yourself up to risk of banning. MS can not see the stealth firmware on your DVD drive. That has been confirmed again in the past couple of days through a log of the Xbox Live data stream by people who are not 13 year old kids.Comment
That is also well documented as a means that MS has used in the past to go after modded consoles. If you boot up the 360 a few times without the serial cable connected or things that people do like that to mod a console, you open yourself up to risk of banning. MS can not see the stealth firmware on your DVD drive. That has been confirmed again in the past couple of days through a log of the Xbox Live data stream by people who are not 13 year old kids.
Leafs offseason training!Comment
You guys are amazing.Comment
But you can't go online. So I guess that's cool if you're not interested in taking advantage of one of the best parts of the Xbox 360 gaming experience.Comment
Some people just don't go online much I guess. I'd buy a modded xbox if I had a spare one I could play online with. I could spend $60 for MW2 and not buy another game the rest of the year. That's a hell of a deal if it comes with a controller and harddrive, but I doubt he'd include the harddrive for only $200.Comment
Crazy that there's a different market than just online gamers at vsn.Comment
Basic selling 101 is not selling someone a modded Xbox that is unable to go online and if it breaks down will be unable to be sent to Microsoft.
That's not worth the price of a brand new system.Comment