The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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Yeah...and like I said, they blew the situation out of proportion. The ending is fine. The gross DLC stuff for the game is their in between episode stuff (episode 11.5 and 15.5)f. GB's critiques in that part of the podcast are unwarranted because there IS an ending.
Again think of it like MGS. The end of 1 and 2 aren't even endings then because their real endings come up after the credits to set up a sequel. It's not a new concept. What were the odds an Asura's Wrath 2 would be made? So they set it up with an unlockable extra ending with a cliffhanger that instead of answering in a sequel they're answering in DLC.Comment
Yeah...and like I said, they blew the situation out of proportion. The ending is fine. The gross DLC stuff for the game is their in between episode stuff (episode 11.5 and 15.5)f. GB's critiques in that part of the podcast are unwarranted because there IS an ending.
Again think of it like MGS. The end of 1 and 2 aren't even endings then because their real endings come up after the credits to set up a sequel. It's not a new concept. What were the odds an Asura's Wrath 2 would be made? So they set it up with an unlockable extra ending with a cliffhanger that instead of answering in a sequel they're answering in DLC.Comment
Oh they've never liked it. But what does that have to do with me? I never said I liked it or that it was good...just that it isn't hard for me to use or find what I'm looking for. It does suck at showcasing what is new but why would I care about that? I can't remember the last time I bought something XBL or PSN that I didn't go looking for. And I wouldn't exactly hold the GB guys up as some beacon of common sense. They regularly toss out some real head scratching opinions or times I find myself enjoying them more when they aren't talking about video games.Comment
Oh they've never liked it. But what does that have to do with me? I never said I liked it or that it was good...just that it isn't hard for me to use or find what I'm looking for. It does suck at showcasing what is new but why would I care about that? I can't remember the last time I bought something XBL or PSN that I didn't go looking for. And I wouldn't exactly hold the GB guys up as some beacon of common sense. They regularly toss out some real head scratching opinions or times I find myself enjoying them more when they aren't talking about video games.Comment
Well, after all the frustration of the game shitting itself a couple of times, we finally got through all the co-op levels and even got Twigg a first place win in Road Rage.Comment
Mass Effect 2........Doing Loyalty missions....blah. Miranda is playing hard to get....give it up already you bitch!
Thats all I really fucking care about at this point.Comment
Once I beat ME2 (I am close) what DLC should I buy. I think Arrival is a must but do I need to buy anything else or is just because they are good?Comment
Shadow Broker is the best, but Overlord is also very very good. They are both some of the best DLC ever IMO.Comment
Jeez ME2 is long....I have to do the Geth Loyalty mission and then it is on. Ready to end this shit!Comment
Kind of interested in prototype 2...
To any1 who's played the original, is it a poor man's Infamous?