Can't wait for the X-Men arcade game to come out on PSN/XBLA. I spent a lot of quarters playing that as a kid.
The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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Oh internetz, you so crazy.Comment
Just beat Batman:AA.........crazy fighting at the end.....Joker was nuts!
Great Game!!Comment
New Sonic 4 demo... ehh.
I understand that it's only one level and that it's not a great indicator of what the full version could be but it isn't exactly going to get me to drop $10+.Comment
Eslecially since it's $15, isn't it?Comment
They should have had alternate ending. They should have gave you a choice between taking the Titan shot or not. Would have been cool to fight joker all jacked up!Comment
Originally posted by Twigg4075Eslecially since it's $15, isn't it?
The old Genesis Sonic games had a feeling of inertia whenever you would go up a hill or around a loop.
Sonic 4 has the guy sitting perfectly still at a 147 degree angle.Comment
Picked up Medal of Honor yesterday and I'm loving it so far! Have only played the multiplayer, it's a lot of fun.
Popped in UC2 to reminisce and play with a buddy who got a used copy.
I can still get crazy geometry/physics throws with grenades.
Still die like a dog though...
That and you gotta play on Default or Siege maps to find anyone online.Comment
Hmmm... So I just beat Taris on KotOR, but my game keeps freezing-up on the exit video. Got to find a way to fix that.
Also, considering downloading Deus Ex... Then I'm going to try and find Invisible War for X-Box. Thoughts on that series?Comment
I've heard the first of the Deux Ex series is still the best... other than that it's another shooter with a pocket fanbase.Comment
popped in fable 2 that I got from Gamestop B2G1F used sale. Trying to beat it before 3 comes out. Its a fun little game.Comment
Finally beat DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue. Good game. Good mix of humor and good ol' orque smashing.Comment
probably didnt do too good since i wasnt there carrying yo ass to victoryComment