Arkham Asylum was fan-fucking-tastic. Just beat it. Arkham City has just been upgraded to day 1 buy for me.
The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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I've been thinking what game I need to start playing again. I am debating going back to play the KOTOR games or MGS4.Comment
I think my gaming list over the next couple weeks is going to go something like this...
inFamous, LA Noire, God of War 1 and 2 trials, Batman: Arkham Asylum (need to get it first), and maybe even some Oblivion.
EDIT: Duh...can't forget the Uncharted 3 MP beta next week.Comment
You should've scooped up Batman last week,as in yesterday being the last day. It was on sale for $20 on Amazon I believe.
Damn, Uncharted 3 beta starts next week?!?:bigbaby:Comment