PS3 Hacked???
Some just made the PSJailbreak obsolete before it was even released. you can now buy a USB dongle and program it yourself.
Mathieulh and his crew have released their long awaited "free" version of the PS Jailbreak code.
To the dismay of the majority of people waiting for it, though, the team have disabled the ability to install games. If running unsigned homebrew code is your thing, though, grab a Teensy++ USB Development Board or an AT90USBKEY and have fun. Or wait for a "third party" to enable Backup Manager support.
This shit actually works. I got my board about 20 minutes ago and now I'm backing up a couple games. in total it was a $45 investment.
So to be clear you are just backing up games to your HD?Comment
Yep. I have a couple complete games on my HD now. It works pretty much like HD Loader on the PS2. the only difference is when I want to use it I have to have the usb board attached and a normal PS3 game in the drive.
I wonder if it will work with my old 20gig that has a bad laser. I use it only for psn gms, streaming movies off web ect. Probally wouldnt though...or could I use my new one to backup then tranfer the data to old one?Comment
I got mine from but they sold out minutes after I placed my order. There are a bunch of boards that can be used but the price has been going up everyday and they're selling out quickly. You'll have to look around to find boards that work. psx-scene & ps3-hacks are good places to look for info.
This is just getting ridiculous. A hacker has managed to successfully port the PS3 hack to a calculator, specifically the TI-84. Brandon Wilson has tweeted that a video and source code will be released soon. This has also been re-tweeted by Muscle Nerd of the iPhone dev team so it appears to be very legitimate. And yes, the TI-84 calculator sports a FLASH ROM with Mini-USB port.