Quick questions controls/gameplay/sliders

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    Junior Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 10343

    Quick questions controls/gameplay/sliders

    Rented the game. Dont have a manual.

    1. How do I tuck the ball as a QB ?
    Dont see a way to do any moves behind the LOS or even dive until im past it.

    2. Is the hit stick the only way to shed blocks ?
    I cant shed a block if my life depended on it.

    3. Please explain the slider methods.

    If im selecting Player sliders. The lower it is the easier it will be.
    For cpu the more difficult ?

    If I change my pass accuracy from 50 to 10 my passes should be better.
    If I increase CPUPass Defense reaction time from 50 -90
    there secondary should be reacting to my guys slower and resulting in guys being more open right.

    4. On defense whats the best way to wrap tackle a guy ?

    Im letting the CPU tackle runners because anytime I switch I end up pressing X and missing a guy entirely on the dive. When I try to hitstick I either miss them or they bounce off me like a rubber ball.
    Best reason to have a license.
    • Mar 2009
    • 3422

    1. How do I tuck the ball as a QB ?
    Dont see a way to do any moves behind the LOS or even dive until im past it.

    Auto-Sprint will tuck the ball for you, I haven't had any issues with it not scrambling or sprinting when I wanted to take off

    2. Is the hit stick the only way to shed blocks ?
    I cant shed a block if my life depended on it.

    Moving the R3 gives you like the bull rush and speed rush tactics

    3. Please explain the slider methods.

    No Idea

    4. On defense whats the best way to wrap tackle a guy ?

    Square is to wrap up and tackle, L1 is to try and strip the ball, hitstick low and guys won't bounce off as much but you'll still miss as many as you are now... and X is for Defensive Assist, so if you're beat on a play or chasin a guy down you can get teh best angle and whatnot

    hope that helps somewhat


    • PP
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2010
      • 4994

      Pressing X prolly gives u the worst angles.

