Throwing on the Run

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  • Aso
    The Serious House
    • Nov 2008
    • 11137

    Throwing on the Run

    How the fuck do you do it?!?!

    I try sprinting out and then simply press the button on the receiver I want to throw it to but my QB stops sprinting for some reason and then throws the ball which often leads to my QB getting hit as he throws and I end up with a duck pass.

    How can I actually throw on the run? Any help?
  • x0xHumblex0x
    • Jul 2010
    • 10229

    L-Stick.....just keep pushing in the direction you want to run and holding R2/RT, at the same time. only let go of the L-Stick to click on Reciever (still holding R2/RT).....

    if you get the timing down.....the Reciever will get highlighted and with R2 still being pressed, you get the result of JET-PACKING!!!!

    Wooooooo -Jet Pack For Life!!!!!

    it does work - for real.......
    3rd & 14, inside your own 15, up 6, 3:20min left to go = call a PA Pass and Cancel. *its Legit, so no needless complaining


    • Tengo Juego
      Posts a lot
      • Jun 2009
      • 4289

      The bootleg animation usually kicks in for the QB when you move outside of the pocket, or on a bootleg designed play. But I always feel better kick starting it with R trigger. The "throw" on the run animation doesn't always play out either. Sometimes your QB will stop and throw the ball, allowing the defensive player chasing you down time to catch up. Not sure if this has to do with the QB's throw on the run rating, or what.

