EASHL Improvements
live chat transcript ^^
lotsss of shitty questions, but theres good stuff in there too
Imagine if Madden had even 1/10th the innovation of NHL or Fifa.My Twitch video link: http://www.twitch.tv/dave374000
Twitch archived games link: http://www.twitch.tv/dave374000/profile/past_broadcastsComment
We’ve even added the ability to only matchup with another team with your club size or your goalie type (human/CPU).Comment
I'd like for 5-6 others to be just as active so we can have the same core team competing year round.
I ended up with over 300 head-to-head games played, but just couldn't get into EASHL for whatever reason in my first year with NHL.
Looking very much forward to '11 though.Comment
All sounds good. I much like the selecting positions before a game, and then selecting against people with the same positions. Will really make having a strong goalie a benefit this year. The custom jersey thing was a must have after three years of EASHL.All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment