Official Killzone 3 Thread
beat the game the other day and dear lordy did that ending suck
no big boss battle
last level was lame
no real ending/wait till kz 4!
im still enjoying the online. ive maxed out marksman and engineer and im going through tactician now. the lack of maps is fucking killer though.Comment
I definitely agree. When I heard there were only, what, 8 or 9 maps? I knew that was going to be a problem. It just makes it that much worse that the two retro maps don't work for me.Comment
I'll send that invite again Twigg.Twitch Channel
Thanks. I appreciate it. I promise I'll accept it before it expires this time. Ha!Comment
Only reason I haven't played in the past few days is because I have been playing the SOCOM 4 beta. I'll end up back on it within the next few days
Twitch Channel
Yeah you're pretty much at the end. No gravity is fun to play around in
Well tomorrow is basically the start of me not playing video games for the next year. Got a lot of shit coming up including deployment. If I don't get to talk to you all again for another year (i will), its been good playing with you all...Twigg, padman, KNUBB, JayDizzle, QuietStorm, hackett, and everyone else.