Official Killzone 3 Thread
Triple XP weekend
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I need to take advantage of it this time. Any up for some KZ3 this weekend?
I have a date with JMS to play Dungeon Hunter late tonight but otherwise I'm down to play some Killzone.Comment
All of them have been well priced from what I remember. I don;t think they have ever been over $7? Honestly all the PS exclusives seem to have very reasonably priced DLC. It's another reason I prefer the PS3 over the 360. On 360 it's a guaranteed $10 for every map pack or DLC. GoW, Halo, Fable, it doesn't matter. Maps for Resistance, Killzone, Uncharted have always been $5-$7.
And I just jumped on if anyone is interested.Comment
Not that this one game would push me over the edge but I think I might try to network my house tomorrow. I ordered a bunch of ethernet cables so it's really just a matter of grabbing a cheap router for my basement to split the different cables from each console to the ethernet wall outlet. At least I hope that is the case.Comment
Everything I've read on the interwebs says it's a wireless thing but they can't speculate beyond that.
Not that this one game would push me over the edge but I think I might try to network my house tomorrow. I ordered a bunch of ethernet cables so it's really just a matter of grabbing a cheap router for my basement to split the different cables from each console to the ethernet wall outlet. At least I hope that is the case.
The only other game I've had issues with in the last several months was GRAW 2 on 360. That game is old as dirt though.Comment
I ended up playing for over six straight hours last night. Got up to Lt. Colonel.
I realized I didn't have the trophy for winning one of each type of game. So I switched it to Operations after playing all Guerilla Warfare. That mode is really fun. After getting several wins there I finally switched it to Warzone to play just one more match before going to sleep. As our team was just about to get the win, in a very tightly contested match by the way, I get an error message saying I've been disconnected from the network. Fuck me. And no, it wasn't the usual one I get about being booted. Of course I was still signed into PSN so I know it was something on their end.
Considering that was the first time I've spent any significant time playing any game in multiplayer it was refreshing to see that the people I played with were really cool. One hispanic guy actually shot me a FR after playing with him for several games, a couple of guys from the South were super cool and just joked the whole time. The only guy that remotely acted like a douche was a guy from the opposite team after an Operation match that kept saying "Campers! Campers! Let's all gather around the campfire with some s'mores." He made comments like that for a few minutes. Although I found it funny because what else are you supposed to do in Operations? The whole point if you are playing defense is to guard the objectives. But even then I was just laughing. The guy never cursed, never called anyone a faggot, racial slur, etc. Actually, I never heard any of that once.Comment