Just borrowed the game on 360 from a friend.
Mass Effect 3
I play through the game and the Geth/Quarian part. Then I watch my roommate, who had both Tali and Legion die and it seems the same. Just different dialog and people subbing in for the dead characters.
Bioware didn't do a good enough job making the story branch out in different directions based on what happened previously.Comment
Bioware didn't do a good enough job making the story branch out in different directions based on what happened previously.
Not to mention you poor 360 guys would probably have to shuffle around another disc or two with all that extra content. :dtrain:Comment
I'm hoping the patch contains the DLC so I won't have to wait for the PSN store to update at the end of the day to download and install it.Comment
Now that everyone's figured out the Gold Farm Technique on Gold with the Firebase White/Geth combo...
Can't wait to test the new maps and the Geth classes.
Considering the story, the MP canon would favor the most peaceful resolution on Rannoch.
That or you'll be playing the loneliest Quarian/Space Robot ever...Comment
The Resurgence DLC is out on PSN.Comment