Gears of War for Kinect after all?
Honestly the only people I know who own connects or moves at this point are people either trying to lose weight or got it for their kids that are under the age of 5 and/or have IQs of a tree.
Leafs offseason training!Comment
I'm going take out some of you fucks who messed with my old controller hands now.My Twitch video link:
Twitch archived games link:
LMAO @ that gesture. When would you ever need to do that? It's not like Marcus calls in air support.Comment
It's obviously an attempt to make fun of the whole idea. Ever since Gears came out one of the big things people joke about is how dumb it is in the game when the characters basically come to a complete halt when they talk on their ear pieces. The author of the article is just joking about one of the many possible "awesome" uses of Kinect within a GoW game.
But like I have said, I can't even imagine how they could pull off any game like this with no peripheral whatsoever. At least with Wii and Move you are holding something. Rail shooter or not, if you are just pointing your finger at the screen then this game is going to suck dick.Comment
I got it for my son who is 5 he loves Kinect Sports. My IQ is a tad higher then a tree.
Me nd my wife are doing the biggest loser, just a change and break from
P90X to keep us active until we kick into full gear next month.
If this is ture Im hoping the Kinect would come out with more games, but I hope its not like Harry Potter were you use the Controller then jump into the Kinect for challenges and shit.Comment
I also bought extra Kinects hoping they'd be a hot item like the Wii a few years. That one bit me in the ass but I returned them to Best Buy once I saw you can get one so easy.Comment