Kinect hits 10 Million

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  • Virix
    I see you
    • Nov 2008
    • 3308

    Originally posted by Twigg4075
    What are you talking about? People criticized the games MS launched because they basically all sucked dick. Since the only criticism I've heard from every gaming outlet is their complete lack of support as far as software goes.

    And as far as doing a better job than Sony? I'd beg to differ. Not only has Sony released more games but they are constantly releasing patches and updates to existing games, downloadable and mini games on PSN that support Move, and they are pushing Move bundles with games like Killzone, LBP2 and SOCOM.

    MS is supposed to be all about the casual market with the Kinect but has their even been one Live Arcade games that supports it? ONE?!?

    The only think MS has done better is marketing. If they spent half the time they did on producing games as they did commercials for the fucking thing maybe it would be worth a look.

    Thats what Im talking about. People go apeshit when MS says they have a bunch of Kinect games coming. Its reason for the fanboys to laugh that MS is supporting it, yet people say they arent.

    Sony patched old games to work with move, yet have almost nothing MADE FOR the move. The game that comes with it looks interesting, but tacking on support to old games is hardly the same as fully supporting a product they sold. I mean, if you really want to count added support for NBA2k11 as a "Move title" so be it, but thats garbage.

    The main reason I have not purchased Move is because I dont trust Sony. They always release shit and fail to support it. (PS2 HDD anyone?) Of the "move enabled" games, only three or so actually give you something different. Sports Champions, Eyepet and that Fight game. Any other "Move title" gives you an alternate, shittier way to play that no one actually wants to do. Hurray.

    Edit: I will say that Tiger Woods is probably fun as shit on the Move (and the only thing that is tempting me to buy one. But then again, it was fun on the Wii, which is basically what the Move is) Im not going to derail this thread, make another thread about the awesome Move support if need be and Ill continue there.


    • Boucher
      King of EDM
      • Jul 2009
      • 3733



      • Virix
        I see you
        • Nov 2008
        • 3308



        • Twigg4075
          Kindergarten Cop
          • Feb 2009
          • 20056

          I will definitely not dispute that the Move is just a better Wii. No question. But I do think Sony has been doing a damn good job of supporting it. It seems like with every PSN store update there are either new downloadable games for it or patches to games like Heavy Rain.

          I think it's too early to buy into the Move as well which is why I don't have it, but I don't think comparing it to the PS2 HDD isn't even remotely fair. Wasn't that Final Fantasy game the only one to support it? There are just as many things MS has dropped the ball on. How about their first camera? Totemball anyone? Hell, what about the fucking forst Xbox? It was only out four years and then they said "Fuck you Mr./Ms. Customer, we're moving on to bigger and better things so we can try to beat our competitor to the starting line. And oh by the way, we are rushing out the 360 so it's probably going to break on you numerous times. Go buy it!"


          • Virix
            I see you
            • Nov 2008
            • 3308

            Originally posted by Twigg4075
            I will definitely not dispute that the Move is just a better Wii. No question. But I do think Sony has been doing a damn good job of supporting it. It seems like with every PSN store update there are either new downloadable games for it or patches to games like Heavy Rain.

            I think it's too early to buy into the Move as well which is why I don't have it, but I don't think comparing it to the PS2 HDD is remotely fair. Wasn't that Final Fantasy game the only one to support it? There are just as many things MS has dropped the ball on. How about their first camera? Totemball anyone? Hell, what about the fucking forst Xbox? It was only out four years and then they said "Fuck you Mr./Ms. Customer, we're moving on to bigger and better things so we can try to beat our competitor to the starting line. And oh by the way, we are rushing out the 360 so it's probably going to break on you numerous times. Go buy it!"
            I think its a fair comparison because they rarely actually support the peripherals they release. When the PS2 HDD was released, it was SUPPOSED to get support from GT and a host of other games, but it didnt. They sold those things promising support that never came. I want to see actual releases of actual move games (not added support in games that dont need it, NBA2K?? REALLY???!??!) Throw in the Eyetoy 1 and 2, hell even the PSP Go. How can you release a system that only accepts digital media, then have new games released that arent available digitally? Fucking Sony...


            • Boucher
              King of EDM
              • Jul 2009
              • 3733



              • Virix
                I see you
                • Nov 2008
                • 3308

                Originally posted by Boucher

                Nah, you gotta add 3 of those together, add another mic or two and make at least one of those cameras infrared. Then its a decent comparison lol.


                • Spidey
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 923

                  Originally posted by The HNIC
                  I think its a fair comparison because they rarely actually support the peripherals they release. When the PS2 HDD was released, it was SUPPOSED to get support from GT and a host of other games, but it didnt. They sold those things promising support that never came. I want to see actual releases of actual move games (not added support in games that dont need it, NBA2K?? REALLY???!??!) Throw in the Eyetoy 1 and 2, hell even the PSP Go. How can you release a system that only accepts digital media, then have new games released that arent available digitally? Fucking Sony...
                  This makes no sense considering a lot of games already have the support of the Move whether via patch or straight out of the box. So how is that similar to the PS2 HDD which got no support?

                  At THIS POINT, Sony has done infinitely more to support the Move than MS has to support the Kinect. MS is just marketing the crap out of the Kinect and its working. That may change in the future. I hope the Kinect does get going. The technology interests me. But there isn't shit out for games for the Kinect or that support the Kinect. When there is, I'll probably snag one.

                  And honestly, I don't see how you can hold it against Sony that they are adding Move support to already released games. How is that a bad thing? Fact of the matter is neither have released very good games based solely on the technology. You could make the same comment about the Kinect. "I want to see actual releases of actual Kinect games." At least the Move is adding support to other games. And its not like those other games are slouches. Focus on NBA 2k all you like but there is no ignoring

                  Tiger Woods
                  Heavy Rain - Which apparently is even better with the Move
                  Killzone 3
                  Socom 4

                  But sure lets just ignore those and hold them against the Move because the games got the support added later or aren't based entirely on the Move. Fuck those. I'm gonna go play the Kinect with its awesome lineup of

                  Dance Central
                  Kinect Sports
                  Kinect Adventures

                  Boy that sounds exciting...

                  The Kinect is a kickass cool piece of technology with all sorts of potential. But unless you are a child or want to exercise, right now its pretty much worthless. Hopefully that changes.


                  • Virix
                    I see you
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3308

                    You are apparently missing my point when I say I want to see actual Move games. I want to see games MADE FOR THE MOVE. I dont want them to patch in move support for games as an afterthought. Say what you want about the Kinect games, but they are truely Kinect games, they were made FOR it. You cant play them any other way.

                    LBP2, Killzone, SOCOM, are all perfect examples of games that werent made for the Move. Every podcast I have heard reference of Move support say its cool that its there, but they will never use it. That is pointless. Showcase your hardware, dont add the feature as an afterthought.

                    The thing is, people that want motion gaming ARE NOT the people who want to play Killzone. They are casual gamers. I normally buy most peripherals, but i havent bought a Move because theres no point. Almost every game that "supports" move, is better off played with a regular controller... whats the point? My wife and kids would play the Move, but what do they have that my family would be interested in? SOCOM? Resident Evil?

                    The point of my PS2 HDD comparison is that there is rarely long term support. Look at the list of PS2 HDD games... there are 20 something games that support it (more than the Move games available now? not sure), but they still abandoned it. Look at the PSP Go, shit was abandoned less than a year after it was released. Its more common for peripherals to be abandoned than it is for it to be supported long term.

                    I have yet to even play a game on the Kinect, but we have had one since the first week it was available, but I didnt buy it for me. I know who motion gaming is made for, and it aint me.


                    • Spidey
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 923

                      Originally posted by The HNIC
                      You are apparently missing my point when I say I want to see actual Move games. I want to see games MADE FOR THE MOVE. I dont want them to patch in move support for games as an afterthought. Say what you want about the Kinect games, but they are truely Kinect games, they were made FOR it. You cant play them any other way.

                      LBP2, Killzone, SOCOM, are all perfect examples of games that werent made for the Move. Every podcast I have heard reference of Move support say its cool that its there, but they will never use it. That is pointless. Showcase your hardware, dont add the feature as an afterthought.

                      The thing is, people that want motion gaming ARE NOT the people who want to play Killzone. They are casual gamers. I normally buy most peripherals, but i havent bought a Move because theres no point. Almost every game that "supports" move, is better off played with a regular controller... whats the point? My wife and kids would play the Move, but what do they have that my family would be interested in? SOCOM? Resident Evil?

                      The point of my PS2 HDD comparison is that there is rarely long term support. Look at the list of PS2 HDD games... there are 20 something games that support it (more than the Move games available now? not sure), but they still abandoned it. Look at the PSP Go, shit was abandoned less than a year after it was released. Its more common for peripherals to be abandoned than it is for it to be supported long term.

                      I have yet to even play a game on the Kinect, but we have had one since the first week it was available, but I didnt buy it for me. I know who motion gaming is made for, and it aint me.
                      I got your point loud and clear. If you want to see games made for the move go here PlayStation®Move Games – PlayStation®Move Required and Compatible Game Info and click on Playstation Move Required.

                      My point,was that both have game MADE FOR THE MOVE or MADE FOR THE KINECT and guess what, they pretty much all suck ass (with a couple of exceptions). So if you plan to criticize the Move for a lack of games MADE FOR THE MOVE, then you need to be fair and criticize the Kinect for games MADE FOR THE KINECT.

                      The difference is, unlike the Kinect, the Playstation compensates for there shitty lineup by adding support to great games. Kinect users are stuck with

                      Dance Central
                      Kinect Sports
                      Kinect Adventures

                      Sounds thrilling. Move required games are equally as lame. But they get the option of playing

                      Tiger Woods
                      Heavy Rain
                      Killzone 3
                      Socom 4

                      as well. Whether users want to use it or not, thats there prerogative. At least the option is there. Where are those options with the Kinect.

                      I do agree most hardcore players in a game such as Killzone wont use the Move. I think some would be shocked at how fun it can be as an alternative if its implemented correctly. Look at Goldeneye on the Wii. That was a blast with motion control.

                      I also agree that Sony's peripherals record is not stellar. There are currently over 50 games that support the Move and that does not include PSN games. Hopefully they keep it up. Again though, thats more than the Kinect has to offer.

                      Basically I don't totally disagree with what you are saying on certain things. I mainly just think you are being COMPLETELY one sided and biased. Almost everything you rip on the Move for can be reversed right back on the Kinect and in most cases even worse. IMO, the Move is essentially a HD Wii. As far as technology goes its been done before. However it has fairly good game support. The Kinect is a revolutionary technology with all sorts of potential. However its game library is shit at the moment.


                      • Virix
                        I see you
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3308

                        My statements are as unbiased as possible. Im LOOKING FOR A REASON to buy a Move, and there simply isnt one. They are marketing Move games to people who dont want to play Move. Give my wife a reason to want to play it, and they would have a customer.

                        Im looking at this from the point of view of someone who wants motion gaming. Idk why they insist on trying to make motion games for us, but it wont work. If they want it to be successful, they have to appeal to the people who actually want it. They have supported the Move with patches for older games, but what actually showcases this hardware? What is supposed to make people go buy it? Again, people in the industry across the board pretty much agree that they would never play SOCOM or Killzone this way. Maybe making more games like Move Heroes (or whatever its called) is what they need to do.

                        As shitty as the lineup for Kinect might be, they have games that showcase it. Games that do things that you cant do any other way. Things that made my visiting family say wow over the Christmas break. If they saw a move game, they would just mistake it for a Wii. Been there, done that. The tech in the Move is so much better, but they are doing a really piss poor job of making use of it.

                        My sister has never played anything other than Wii sports. She visited here for Christmas and even though she never even heard of Kinect, once she saw it at my house she bought a 360 and a Kinect the next day. The lineup isnt deep at ALL, but the games that are available actually draw people in.


                        • Twigg4075
                          Kindergarten Cop
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 20056

                          Originally posted by The HNIC
                          You are apparently missing my point when I say I want to see actual Move games. I want to see games MADE FOR THE MOVE. I dont want them to patch in move support for games as an afterthought. Say what you want about the Kinect games, but they are truely Kinect games, they were made FOR it. You cant play them any other way.

                          LBP2, Killzone, SOCOM, are all perfect examples of games that werent made for the Move. Every podcast I have heard reference of Move support say its cool that its there, but they will never use it. That is pointless. Showcase your hardware, dont add the feature as an afterthought.
                          And that is what I think willbe the downfall of the Kinect. The shit games that are out for it now are the ONLY kinds of games that you can play with it. You will never be able to play "hardcore" games with it. I know there is a rumor that there will be a Gears of War game coming out but I guarantee if it does it will be A) a rail shooter, even more guided than most, or B) Just some tacked on bullshit that requires you to use a controller anyway.
                          Which brings me to another point. What about all the fucking promises MS made about how you could use the Kinect to effortlessly navigate the dashboard and use voice commands for everything??? The last I heard the navigation sucks dick and using a controller is far superior. The voice commands are terrible. And oh yeah, the Kinect video chat is horrible. Apparently the video quality is better on cell phones circa 1998.

                          And in regards to podcasts, did you also ignore what they were saying about the Kinect? When you initially said Sony was doing a piss poor job of supporting the Move I countered, with most of my argument coming from podcasts I've listened to. I was actually pretty confused because I thought you were a pretty avid listener of podcasts and couldn't understand how you could possibly have ignored all the Kinect talk. EVERY ONE of them says that the software support for the Kinect is absolutely abysmal. They are completely baffled that MS hasn't created ANY XBLA games that support it. Not a one! It doesn't make any sense. It's a fucking casual gaming device yet they haven't released and casual downloadable games?!? The only thing MS is doing right is throwing millions of dollars into marketing it which is obviously working. But for most people a few weeks after buying it the thing it collects dust. Every one I know that bought one except for one guy (only a handful admittedly) haven't touched it in months. That one guy's gets use because he isn't a gamer at all. He bought the 360/Kinect bundle for his kids. And even so they are playing Halo and Black Ops FAR MORE than the shitty Kinect games.

                          The bottom line is that motion gaming is a novelty. Look at the Wii. I barely touch mine and when I dod I try to play games that require "normal" controlling. But at least with the Wii and Move you can play "hardcore" games becvause they both require an actual controller interface. Because MS decided to go completely control free they are painted into a corner with exercise and dancing games.

                          And please don't get me started on "promises" made by companies. They all do it. Remember when MS touted that you would be able to use these new fangled "gamer score" points to make purchases on the Xbox Marketplace? LMAO. Or how about how they showed the Kinect scanning objects like skateboards to be used in the game? Ha!


                          • jms493
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 11248

                            u guys going crazy with text here....say what you want....10 millions sold = success in the business world.


                            • Spidey
                              Junior Member
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 923

                              Originally posted by jms493
                              u guys going crazy with text here....say what you want....10 millions sold = success in the business world.
                              I don't think any of us are arguing it hasn't been a business success. They marketed the crap out of it and it paid off big time. I am sure Microsoft is happy as pigs in shit right now.

                              But much like Madden, just cause you market something and millions buy the hype, doesn't mean the product is flawless.


                              • Virix
                                I see you
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 3308

                                Originally posted by Twigg4075
                                And that is what I think willbe the downfall of the Kinect. The shit games that are out for it now are the ONLY kinds of games that you can play with it. You will never be able to play "hardcore" games with it. I know there is a rumor that there will be a Gears of War game coming out but I guarantee if it does it will be A) a rail shooter, even more guided than most, or B) Just some tacked on bullshit that requires you to use a controller anyway.
                                Which brings me to another point. What about all the fucking promises MS made about how you could use the Kinect to effortlessly navigate the dashboard and use voice commands for everything??? The last I heard the navigation sucks dick and using a controller is far superior. The voice commands are terrible. And oh yeah, the Kinect video chat is horrible. Apparently the video quality is better on cell phones circa 1998.

                                And in regards to podcasts, did you also ignore what they were saying about the Kinect? When you initially said Sony was doing a piss poor job of supporting the Move I countered, with most of my argument coming from podcasts I've listened to. I was actually pretty confused because I thought you were a pretty avid listener of podcasts and couldn't understand how you could possibly have ignored all the Kinect talk. EVERY ONE of them says that the software support for the Kinect is absolutely abysmal. They are completely baffled that MS hasn't created ANY XBLA games that support it. Not a one! It doesn't make any sense. It's a fucking casual gaming device yet they haven't released and casual downloadable games?!? The only thing MS is doing right is throwing millions of dollars into marketing it which is obviously working. But for most people a few weeks after buying it the thing it collects dust. Every one I know that bought one except for one guy (only a handful admittedly) haven't touched it in months. That one guy's gets use because he isn't a gamer at all. He bought the 360/Kinect bundle for his kids. And even so they are playing Halo and Black Ops FAR MORE than the shitty Kinect games.

                                The bottom line is that motion gaming is a novelty. Look at the Wii. I barely touch mine and when I dod I try to play games that require "normal" controlling. But at least with the Wii and Move you can play "hardcore" games becvause they both require an actual controller interface. Because MS decided to go completely control free they are painted into a corner with exercise and dancing games.

                                And please don't get me started on "promises" made by companies. They all do it. Remember when MS touted that you would be able to use these new fangled "gamer score" points to make purchases on the Xbox Marketplace? LMAO. Or how about how they showed the Kinect scanning objects like skateboards to be used in the game? Ha!
                                Being that the majority of the podcasts I listen to are Playstation-centric, I dont hear much Kinect talk. Hilary from IGN only talks about Dance Central, Chris from Joystiq hasnt played anything on it, and thats about it. Im not arguing that there are loads of software for the Kinect, what I am saying is that the Kinect software actually showcases what it can do. The Move is much more advanced than the Wii, yet there is literally NO software that showcases exactly how advanced it is. None.

                                You think that having no hardcore games for the Kinect is going to be the downfall, and I feel that trying to make hardcore games is the mistake Move is making. Hardcore gamers DO NOT WANT MOTION GAMING. Putting millions into hardcore gaming is nothing but a waste of resources. Both devices should be aimed at the casual gamer, because thats the only crowd that wants it. You said it yourself, its a novelty...a novelty to us, but interesting to casual gamers.

                                I honestly dont remember MS saying you could use gamerscore points for purchases, but I do remember everyone being confused. You can use motion/voice for the menus just fine but it doesnt make much sense when you could use a normal controller (sounds like Move patched games to me). Im still waiting to see the 'scanning' thing come to fruition, although im sure its unlikely.

                                My point was never that MS doesnt make promises they dont keep, my point is Sony abandons HARDWARE. There's a difference. You dont sell people shit, then 6 months later abandon support for it. You brought up the original Xbox, and I agree that was shitty... but it was 5 years before it was discontinued, a year less than the time between the PS1 and PS2. Its not like they left people out in the cold after a year.

