This. Already had cable. ST with regular Directv service, my bill was $140 for 6 months because regular channels and ST (I suspend service during the offseason). This is only $85 for 4 months. I don't understand why they charge for 6 months with regular directv service...
NFL Sunday Ticket on PS3
I pay $68/month for TWC Cable internet 15 Megs down. Then I pay $120 for Now Sunday ticket for $350. Netflix for $20/month.
So the entire year I spend:
Cable TV = $816
MLB = $120
NFL = $350
Netflix = $240
Total = $1526
That's $127/month, am I saving money? Yea about $40 bucks, because if I did the Cable TV package, then I wouldn't pay the $40 for fastest internet speed. Also this way I actually pay for stuff I watch, before I was payin $100 for ESPN.
Well...RZC I didn't see any commercials. I think the regular channels show commercials? Not sure. I didn't play with the DVR features, I will probably this weekend, since I am planning on watching the Eagles/Giants game.
The actual games were a little problematic yet for me. There was some freezing and bad visuals so I just had it on RZC. Hopefully it doesn't automatically charge me for the rest of the season every month because I do not want to renew it, mostly because once I start the new job I won't be using it much.Comment
How am I obligated if I just paid for one month? If thats the case I'm going to pull my CC info off of there.Comment